
May 22, 2009 00:20

There are four new chapters up of She Just Wanted to be Heard, for those who are interested. I'll do the formal announcement tomorrow; just wanted to get that out there since I've been working on this update for weeks.

I am so fucking sick. Lots of trouble breathing, not sleeping well, still feeling weak. I need to go to work tomorrow to do my timecard and try to get back on track, then I may go back to the doctor if I am not feeling better by Friday night. Don't want to drop more money into this, but my breathing issues are scaring me. Getting out of the bathtub wears me out. Climbing a flight of stairs wears me out. And when I say wears me out, I mean panting, trembling, head pounding, heart pounding, must sit down or fall over. It takes 2-3 hours to fall asleep because I can't get comfortable or breathe well when lying on my side or back. And I've never been able to sleep on my stomach because of the boobage. (As an adult, anyway.) I'm comfortable lying on my stomach, but can't sleep that way. Whatever. I finished the antibiotics today, so I should be feeling better, but overall, I feel worse than I did Sunday when I saw the doctor. So, we'll see how Friday goes. My sinus problems have never progressed this far, that I can assure you. I mean, I've been pretty damn sick in the past, but never had such intense issues with breathing before. Doesn't feel like hospital time, but it's still bad.


sick, she just wanted to be heard

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