Hey everyone! The
yuletide archive has gone live, and my Secret Santa story has been revealed. If you are a fan of "Dark Angel," you may want to read the story that was written for me. It's located here:
Passing Time It's melancholy but also very funny. Poignant but silly. Pessimistic but hopeful. Warning for canon character death.
I asked for something with a focus on Alec/Rachel because I love them together. Some very nice memories of her here.
Be sure to leave the author comments! Comments are crack!
I got off work early, yeeeee! My cousin Aunt Pam (hee) got me socks with jingle bells on them as one of my stocking stuffers, and I wore them to my brief visit to work. I walked by the front desk and my supervisor goes, "Laurel, I'll hear you coming from 3 or 4 miles away today." :D I'm like, "They're my Christmas socks!" *jingle jingle* Hehehe, 'tis the season to annoy, fa la la la la... Everyone kept turning to stare as I walked by jingling. >:)
One of my co-worker buddies brought black forest cake to work. I had a piece. Her recipe was created by the angels in heaven themselves. It was EEEEYUUUUMMMMMMMMMM. So moist and delicious, with the most awesome icing ever, that really creamy stuff. I. want. MORE.