
Dec 22, 2006 20:46

You know how there are certain things that people do that are just pushbutton ways to make you go from zero to furious in half a second? I have a few. One is when there are only four washers in the laundry room and someone is rude enough to use all of them at once. Just, RUDE and GREEDY and SELFISH. I plan my day around my errands, and you threw off my entire schedule by making it impossible for me to get my laundry done when I planned to. You're just as annoying as the people who wash their clothes and then NEVER come and get them. Just leave their clothes sitting in there for hours after they're done, taking up a washer that someone else needs to use. People who do that deserve to have their clothes taken out and tossed on the floor. I really, really dislike rude people.

My cousin Pam cracked me up unintentionally today. She sent her Christmas presents (yaaay!) and of course I opened them. First, she always sends an ornament every year with writing on it somewhere, and on this one, she signed it as "Aunt Pam." You're not my aunt, silly, you're my cousin! XD Uh oh, family secret, or just forgetfulness halfway through the signing? XD (She's a bit older than me, so she probably got mixed up.) Second, she sent me what was clearly a fancy box and put a sticker on it that said, "THIS IS A KEEPSAKE BOX." Ohhh, duuuuuh, tanks for clearing dat up. I taught it be a stepstuul. XD Hee. It was just cute.

This week's SPN Friday Five (spn_fridayfive):

1.) Would you like to see John Winchester back on the show?

Only under certain circumstances. I think it'd be a big copout if he came back to life. Permanently.

2.) If you answered yes to the above question: how would you like it to happen? (Resurrection, flashbacks, soul relocation, etc.) If you answered no: why not?

Flashbacks. I really think this season is going to end with Sam and Dean marching into hell to rescue their father's soul, so we'll probably see him then.

3.) If Sam's "secret" involves him becoming evil, how do you think Dean will react? Do you think Dean would actually be able to kill Sam, if he had to?

Dean will still love him, and try to prevent whatever will make Sam evil. Yes, I do think Dean would kill Sam if he felt he really had to. That scene in "Croatoan," where they thought the virus was going to turn Sam homicidal, and Dean talked about giving up and took out his gun, I seriously thought that Dean planned to shoot Sam and then himself. I think Dean would feel it was the most humane thing he could do, to be the one to end Sam's life as painlessly as possible. A suicide pact just seems very Dean to me. Sam could NEVER do it the other way around, though.

4.) We all know Mary's death has had a huge effect on the Winchester family, but do you think it affected Sam, Dean, and John differently?

Of course. John largely gave up on life, and just lived for revenge. Because Sam lost his mother before he ever had a chance to know her, I think John overcompensated for this by giving Sam lots of affection and attention. (When he wasn't neglecting them by going on hunting expeditions for days on end...) Dean was expected to be strong and was not given as much affection. He was your typical big brother, but also gave in to Sammy a lot. As a result, Sam is the sensitive, emo one who always wants his way, and Dean's the slut always looking for affection but little commitment.

5.) How do you think Sam and Dean's relationship as brothers has affected their role as hunters?

It brought them closer. When you save someone's life and watch them get hurt that much, it bonds you, like any group of people involved in a stressful crisis together. It also helps them in their job, because they seem to possess a brother-link in how they think. Like, there are some things you inherit from your parents that don't really seem possible, but it happens anyway. (Mannerisms, tendencies, likes and dislikes, etc.) Being family gives them a sixth sense about each other that others would not have.

babbling, supernatural

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