The Almost Sucktacular Day

Sep 04, 2006 17:35

Yesterday made a valiant attempt to be a very bad day, but I thwarted it. Go me ( Read more... )


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unfamiliargirl September 6 2006, 00:52:41 UTC
It's good you were able to move. Three weeks is fast to pack everything up, though it probably didn't seem like it at the time. :)

The closest I've been to something like that is walking in on a bank robbery. Not fun. Since it's already happened twice and you moved to a better place the odds of it happening again are low. Happy thoughts.

(Now, if you get mugged after reading this it's totally not my fault. Ok? lol.)


sailorhathor September 6 2006, 01:13:13 UTC
Yeah, it was an especially fast pack since I had to work those three weeks too, and get things set up for the new apartment.

What happened with the bank robbery? Did you just walk back out, or get caught up in it? That would be scary!

Oh please, no more muggings for Laurel. :D Laurel's had enough.


unfamiliargirl September 6 2006, 15:49:35 UTC
He wasnt too far into the bank when I walked in. He was really twitchy and I startled him or something. He turned around and pointed his shotgun at me. Then freaked out and shoved me into the door entryway and ran out of the bank. In a way I stopped the robbery from actually happening. lol. He was caught later, but got community service, and a fine, as a punishment because he never actually threatened anyone in the bank or some such crap. Yeah, he just walked in with a weapon for the hell of it. I never want a tweaked out psycho pointing a shotgun at me again. lol.

It all happened pretty fast so nothing really happened, no one was hurt. It was just scary.

I always go through the drive thru of the bank when I can. I don't like to go inside. I had to switch banks after that. Everyone makes fun of me for not going inside banks. :)


sailorhathor September 7 2006, 02:13:50 UTC
I can totally understand why you can't go into banks much anymore after that. Having someone point a gun at you, well, it's just very scary. Changes everything. Suddenly, you're not immortal. After I moved, I couldn't go back to that apartment building and turn in my keys. I had to mail them to them, because I knew if I went back there, I would see that guy again and he would shoot me this time. It's like, you get a mental block against repeating anything that will even remind you of how vulnerable it felt. I get really jumpy when people walk behind me, and I stop and let them pass, or look back at them constantly, because of the first mugging, with the guy following me into the parking lot before he grabbed my purse. It takes a long time to start feeling at all safe again.

I don't know how Dean just shook it off when Sam shot him with the rock salt. Probably because it's a tv show. ;D


unfamiliargirl September 7 2006, 16:11:55 UTC
I would have mailed the keys back, too. Once I left I wouldn't want to go back for anything. The bank thing happened years ago, I was a teenager, so it's a little better but I still kinda hesitate if there's a guy in line in front of me or if one comes in behind me. I rarely go to the bank alone, even now. My mom goes to the same bank I do so I wait until she has to go, too. :)

The bank thing. lol. That's my name for it.

Dean loves his Sammy. :)


sailorhathor September 7 2006, 18:56:34 UTC
Yeah, Sammy has a Get Out of Jail Free Card with Dean, doesn't he? :D And Dean's used to being hurt all the time.


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