The Almost Sucktacular Day

Sep 04, 2006 17:35

Yesterday made a valiant attempt to be a very bad day, but I thwarted it. Go me!

I went to the mall to get my prescriptions at Supertarget (dun dun daaaaah, Supertarget to the rescue!), and I decided to walk home because the bus only runs once per hour on the weekends. I didn't feel like waiting that long for the next bus. First off, two knuckleknobs almost ran me over while I was crossing the street. Lately, people have been absolute idiots about this. People are so focused on ME FIRST! that they don't even look for pedestrians. But we're THERE. And we ALWAYS have the right of way. Two people tried to turn left on green (yield on green), but I was there, crossing the street with the nice WALK sign, hellooooo. I gave them a dirty look and mouthed, "What are you DOING?!" Do I LOOK like I want to die this way? I don't think so. Dumb fucks.

When I got home, I started taking all the extra crap off (jacket, watch, etc.) and I was still wearing my work IDs; they are on a clip and were clipped to my pants pocket. The IDs hang from a bungee string. The clip was still there, but there were NO IDs attached to it! The string had broken! I was like FUUUUUUUUCK. They had fallen off somewhere between the mall and my apartment. My IDs consist of two different door badges and a time card. The door badges cost about $60 total to replace. :O That is so OH HELL NO I don't even want to think about it. I knew I still had my IDs when I walked into the mall because I check every once in a while to make sure stuff is still there, and I touched the badges as I walked in the door of Sears. Work gives the badges to you for free the first time, but if you lose them, you do have to pay to replace them. So, GAH.

I quickly changed into something cooler (shorts) and headed back out to retrace my steps. I hoped I could find the IDs before someone else did. There were several possibilities: Someone mean would find them who would throw them in the gutter or destroy/keep them. Someone nice would find them who would drop them in the mail, and it would take some really annoying amount of time for them to actually get back to me (they have Grey Dawg's address on them). Perhaps they had fallen off in the mall, where maybe someone turned them in, but how long would it take for me to figure out which store had them and get them back? And what if they were still lying in an aisle? I'd have to walk each store I entered to find them. The easiest scenario was for me to find the IDs on the ground somewhere between the mall and my apt, hopefully close to my place.

Now, the best part was I did find the IDs, and they weren't in the middle of the street like I feared. But they were almost all the way back to the mall. XD They were sitting in the middle of the sidewalk across the street from the mall. X-P I was SO glad no one else had found them before I did. Who knows what would have happened to them if I hadn't found them myself. I saved myself some major money there! I had to carry a few things home with me, and I had to keep fidgeting with them because my purse refuses to stay on my shoulder, so I probably caught the IDs on something and it pulled the string and it broke. Those strings always break after some use. I'm not going to use them anymore; this cost me lots of precious time (20 mins there, 20 mins back home) and worry, and my dogs were barking something fierce by the time this was all over. After all, I made that walk three times! :D Who says this won't happen again and next time, I won't be so lucky? So I'm going to figure out some other way to carry them on my person. (I don't keep my IDs in my purse anymore after they got stolen along with my purse the first time I was mugged.)

Anyway, bad day averted!


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