Calender Tiem! So if you look real closely you can see Shine Greymon in the cover (it was a fun 10 seconds trying to find him myself, it's like "Find Waldo" Anime Edition lolz). Hopefully someone will grab it, and make a scan of the Digimon page (if there is one D=) lol.
Ja, wasn't really worthy enough to post in WtW News. lol
So liek I was supposed to translate something but liek some of the kanji I don't know and liek radical look-up frustrates me and liek I want to watch the other half of the The Simpsons Movie. LIEK OMG!
I should spend less time gossiping with my friends D= it distracts me... Oh well...
Splash's icon is really really purdy with this layout =D but the ads sort of kill it (I should downgrade my account D=)