I forget LJ exists sometimes. o.O Mostly because I think when I had used it, I was a very different person. But I come here to posty posty you something. I think at any given point in time, every person feels that immediate fear and rush of panic, or the crushing sensation that time is moving so wretchedly fast that death must be fast on its heels. Whether for ourselves or anyone around us we've managed to love. It's the squishy human part that we have to face and ask why is it terrifying, why do we want to run from it. The most simple of answers is that we don't entirely understand it. We don't know what comes after, we don't know where people go. We hope, have faith, imagine, dream up theories and listen to others. So what if Sylvia Browne was a chicken with a pen? In that moment, that book, whatever you read, gave you a moment of peace. That was real. That moment of feeling that you'll be okay, that was very real. No matter where it came from. I think we'll always struggle with the concept of death in some manner until we pull on our boots and see what the adventure is really about. Until then, put on your living shoes and dream and be happy. Because you will be alright, my little buttercup.
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