Sep 19, 2008 20:03
well damn, my last entry was in muh fukin May.
i'm gonna try to keep this relatively short, partly b/c it's more likely to become a habbit
um summer went by so fuckin fast. i've been in classes literally nonstop up until last week. from fall semester to intersession to 2 summer classes in back to back sessions. i did transition to UCSB in the later summer session, i was gonna come back after i found out the transition program was a load of bologna, and since i was paying out of my savings (no financial aid available for summer), i seriously was going to come back home and just pay a small cancellation fee. but i stuck it out and it was probably for the best because my SB contact was leaving and in retrospect, now that i stayed, i got closer to her which was very nice, and we got to support each other in our inverse transitions. and also i got the inside scoop on a lot of collegiate dynamics, like who to watch out for and who is down, all taken with a grain of salt of course. but nonetheless someone's experience is never invalid.
my summary: the campus is beautiful, the weather is fuckin perfect, the politics is lackluster, on top of its given slack being a huge institution, like UC. um yeah, not a whole lot of opportunity, but thank the lord and saviour for financial aid, cuz they're really hooking me up. what it's close to LA, i'm kinda frustrated though cuz i've been meaning to purchase a used car, which would really help me to get to LA and see family, and have a bit of a retreat from the yuppy dilusional SB community, but i haven't been able to really progress that endeavor, even though i have some money saved up =\
and i guess i should share that some guys attempted to gay bash me outside of a friend's gay birthday party in the supposed party scene in santa barbara, but they really underestimated me and i put up a good fight and moreover, they never got inside my head, never got me to loose my cool or anything. in fact the most work i had to do, hands down, was calm concerned friends and family that i really was ok, that and investigate ways in holding people accountable, whether that's the police who don't want to call it a hate crime b/c supposedly yellilng "faggot" is the same as saying idiot. and considering how much testosterone + alcohol intermix, you can't call these situations hate crimes or they'd be springing up all over the place considering the great diversity of the area, according to the officer, which is utter b.s.
but i shouldn't talk much about this since i do still intend to put pressure on the D.A. to file it as a hate crime, and i got some legal advice that i ought to give the officers the "benefit of the doubt" and maybe they didn't understand my question about is it a hate crime since they tried to jump me for being gay....ugh whatever
it's weird b/c in spite of downers like that, i feel like i'm really living down there. between a strong (albeit, naive) budding gay community at the campus, and the exciting aspect of discovering the socal culture so different from bay area living, it's still like night and day to the bad experience i had in boston...
to be continued