it's time to catalog the achievements of the weekend!
• Took all my old stereo equipment and the dead microwave to the Free Recycling drive they set up once a year. Trying to get my spare bedroom cleaned up and all the electronics were stored in a closet. None of it worked anymore, but you have to pay to recycle that shit any other time and it ain't cheap. So, I save a little here so I can splurge a little there.
• Bought a new microwave (see yesterday's ranty-rant), which was a very good deal.
• Did the grocery shopping and got out for just over $50. Considering it was one of the pricier grocery stores, I done good.
• The family took Dad out for Father's Day. Excellent brunch at the Great Dane; can always count on it.
• Returned the pair of shoes that didn't match my prom dress (I bought two pairs, because I couldn't decide. It was DSW: I got one pair for $29($20 off coupon) and the other for $26 (40% off.) Took back the ones for $26. Even if I'd kept both, it would have been a good deal. But I didn't really need two pair of shoes for one dress.
• Picked up matting frames for the pictures I bought from
jou. (From this
print sale, numbers 6 and 10.) Can't wait to get those to work and hang them in my cube. I have nothing for decoration and I've been there two and a half years.
• Splurged a little at JC Penney (under $80! okay, and I put it on a credit card >.>). Bought two new t-shirts ($7 and $14), new cropped denim capris ($25) that I can roll up and that actually look decent on me, some new socks for my walking shoes, and a new purse ($25.) I figure supporting JCP is the least I can do for their decision to use Ellen DeGeneres as a spokeswoman and for sticking by their Mother's and Father's Day commercials.
• Picked up a prescription on the way home.
• Got home and got some skimpy clothes on along with suntan lotion, so I could spend a half hour cleaning the balcony. Lots of dead leaves to sweep up and the chairs needed a really good scrubbing. Then spent another 45 minutes sitting on one of the newly scrubbed chairs reading Watchmen.
• Came inside and vacuumed.
• Took a shower, because I was all over suntan lotion and sweat.
• Made dinner, which was pan-seared swordfish with a kiwi-avocado salsa. And now I am eating dessert, which is a pumpkin mousse pie, thank you very much. I am stuffed.
It's funny, but I feel guilty for getting so much stuff done! I think because other weekends I don't and I feel like I should. So, I'm beating myself up saying, "every weekend should be like this you slacker!" And I feel guilty for spending so much time having fun. Yeah, even cleaning off the balcony was fun, because it gives me a sense of accomplishment. And then I was able to actually use my balcony for pleasure. The shopping was fun, it's nice to fit back into a medium and since everything I have is a large or extra-large, I need to start slowly replacing all the old baggy stuff. And I don't feel I broke my bank. I have a little room to spare on one card, it's not going to throw me off track. Plus, today I was able to wear a pair of capris that haven't fit for close to four years. It's kinda fun finding a new wardrobe in your own closet.
But mainly I feel guilty because with all this running around and doing, I'm not writing. And I've got a 6000 word story due the 24th with maybe 1000 words written. That don't go together in any way. ::headdesk::
Anyway, that was my weekend. How was yours?