Today's haul...

Jul 23, 2011 22:25

from the Farmer's Market.

Left to right rear: mixed lettuce, red onions, Swiss chard and snap peas (hidden by the chard, but they're there)
Left to right front: rhubarb, Ranier cherries, yellow tomatoes

Left over from last week's haul: one cuke, three zucchini and the bag of Portobello mushrooms. I think maybe the zucchini and the Portobellos will get roasted tomorrow. I found an awesome recipe for sauteed greens with pine nuts and raisins that I made with the beet greens last week, hence the chard this week, I want to make that again. I roasted the golden beets, along with carrots, in a balsamic/honey/olive oil glaze; I liked the way the beets turned out, but roasting the carrots didn't thrill me. The wax beans from last week went into a bean salad that I still have enough left for a couple lunches; that's the problem with bean salad, it's hard to make just a little. :D The cherries went straight into my stomach plain over two evenings, I'm sure this week's cherries will do the same thing.

Besides the Farmer's Market, I spent most of the day with a friend who was up from Chicago visiting his family. We went to breakfast at the Marigold Kitchen before doing the market; I had a special of almond pancakes with honey butter and fresh fruit and Tom had the smoked salmon omelet with dill and cream cheese. It's only the second time I've eaten there, but I haven't been disappointed by anything there yet. After the market we hung out at my place for a while chit-chatting and petting the cats before we headed out to see Captain America. And all I have to say about that movie is "Fuck Yeah, Captain America!" Definitely one of the better summer blockbusters. I'd rate it above X-men and equal to or above Thor despite its lack of slash potential. Seriously, Capt. America, why for you gotta be so straight? Although it was cute and I think I would wait until eternity if it meant I got to have a dance with him.

Got dropped off home after the movie and did a little beta duty for a friend. Reheated pizza from last night for dinner tonight and now, I am relaxing with my innernets and a mojito. And air conditioning. Gotta have air conditioning. 95° is too damn hot for Wisconsin in July! I expect it in August, but not July.

movies, farmer's market, friends, weather, captain america

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