Text of a statement attached to Form 4852: Substitute for Form W-2

Apr 14, 2008 15:10

To my dear over-burdened tax agents who have to read this dreck:

It may come to your attention that I am sending a copy of a 2006 W2 for the money I receive from Defense Finance and Accounting Service in the amount of $7128.40. I’m doing this because they never sent me a W2 for 2007. When I hadn’t received one by mid-March, I called them on March 19, 2008 to request a reissue. They said they didn’t have my current address on file (despite the fact I have received a W2 from them for the previous three years at my current address at which I have lived since Oct. 2003), so I gave them my current address, again, and was told I would receive a new W2 in ten days. Anyway, it’s now April 14, four weeks later and there is still no W2 from DFAS. Since the amount of this payment is fixed, it is and will be $7128.40 for another 12 years, I’m sending a copy. Maybe you want to keep it on record, because I have no doubt this will keep happening with this beloved government agency. I’ve already sicced Tammy Baldwin on them once for failing to direct deposit my funds in the correct bank two years in a row. I really don’t want to keep bothering the poor lady, she’s got better things to do.

With my apologies for the poor service I have received from a government agency and the fact I refuse to do more than is reasonable to get a piece of paper that is mandated by the federal government to be delivered by Jan. 31 of the year, I am sincerely yours,


Not only that, but they socked me for nearly a grand this year. Rassenfrassen IRA penalties. I think unemployment should be one of those things for which you can exclude the hit on IRAs.

form 4852, taxes, w2

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