Nov 03, 2004 03:45
let's see. i'm on the up part of an emotional rollercoaster right now. and this is the highest i've been, like, ever.
how about we start with sunday night?
i was sort of a bitch to someone i care about, but i also got a chance to bond with a really awesome chick. (i hate that we hated each other). cassie is rad! so, yay for that. the only sucky part was staying up until... 6 AM. blah. i wasn't tired the next day... but no sleep is not good for you.
on to monday...
i met up with chris and dan at the radio station so that we could have a CD burning party. that was lovely. we had fun. i let them pick out what to play on my show. (which made my job more fun... woo hoo). somehow, during all of this, the were able to talk me out of going to class. (yeah, i don't get it... me? ditch class? NEVER!). so we went to the block (it ain't square) to see garden state. it wasn't playing. so they talked me into purchasing a ticket to "saw". we screwed around for a while waiting for our movie to start. i was a baby in the theater... i had to sit in between chris and dan because i was scared. aaanyway, i "watched" the movie (that means i sat there with my fingers in my ears and my eyes closed). it was pretty good. ok, i lied... it was very good. after the movie, we walked around a little bit. then we decided to go to my school, and play "myspace" in the computer lab. that was fun. then we got bored. chris decided to go home. dan and i decided to go to the bean. it was fun. i love that place when i'm not working there. (so, pretty much without the drama). anyway, it was fun chillin with dan (as usual). and i also got a chance to talk with the christofur. after the bean, dan and i went to his apartment, and were shortly joined by gordo... AND B.FRANK!!!!! (i saw his bed). it was awesome. gordo and i took off at, like, 1:30... i came home, farted around on the internet, took a bath, and went to bed... at, like, 4.
hooray! now it's time for tuesday (today--sort of)...
i woke up rather early. showered. voted. went to school. ran in to erin. saw her new tattoo. went to class (on time!!). went to other class. found out that i got a C- on my midterm (yeah, i know. i'm grounded!). went straight to the AVID lab to work on my desktop publishing thingie that's worth a bazillion points, and that was assigned weeks ago.... i finished it in 4 hours (YAY!). grabbed a bite to eat. went to class. got my midterm back. (A+). took shawn to the coffee bean to pick up his tips. went to kendall's room. met her latest lust object. (he's cute... but young). kendall and i did our show. and it went well because we were both in rather good moods. i went home after our show. signed on to the internet, and discovered a dear friend in need of some serious help. so i rushed over to his house, and we had the BEST conversation we've ever had. i am soooo glad i went over there. i see him in such a different light now. there may even be possiblity of a future. woo hoo. words cannot convey this evening's awesomeness. i'll just say that moment-of-truth heart-to-hearts are the absolute best ever. i forgot how much i missed that boy.
and now, at 3:42 AM. i must start writing the gay (literally) paper that i have to turn in tomorrow. i don't even want to THINK of all of the statistics homework i have to do this weekend.