I installed Dragon NaturallySpeaking today and I'm trying it out for the first time. I think it will really help me write my reports for next semester of school. Maybe next semester I won't have any late homework.
It can pretty much do anything that I wanted to do so long as I can train it to does do what I say. It does have a bit of grammar issues where if you don't speak extremely clearly it will post something other than what you meant to say.
I'm very excited to have this resource now, so I can just speak. And I won't have to worry about misspelling things, so it will really give my spelling check a break. It will also give my teachers a break from having to deal with my horrible chicken scratch handwriting. They should be able to post more regularly and once I get the hang of using the software and dictating everything I say, then everyone will know exactly what I'm up to all the time and you can all be stalkers right?
On another note, I discovered a group of CDs that are mash ups of regular Christmas music and Hanukkah music. Some of the tracks are really interesting. My favorite is called "you shook me all noel" which is a mash up of you shook me all night Long by Aerosmith and a Charlie Brown Christmas, you know that scene where Charlie Brown asks Linus what Christmas is all about. There is also a song called dreidel all the way, which is a mix of South Park quotes Adam Sandler and some Jewish parody songs. I found out about these CDs from the web comic octopus pie. here is a link to the latest version.
http://www.djbc.net/santastic3 Just a warning, these CDs are available by torrent only. You can only get them by downloading.
In case I don't post again before Christmas, Happy holidays to everyone. Happy Hanukkah to John and Rissa. And I guess I shouldn't tell you guys about the soup that I had today, which was broccoli and cheddar with bits of pork sausage in it. yummy.