I did my 2-minute talk today. To my surprise, I found that my group mates were all for doing their talk early o.O It is better to get it over and done with, but everytime I wanted to go take a topic, someone else beat me to it XD And besides, I was so scared that I doubt I had enough strength in my legs to stand up anyway.
I grabbed a topic...and I got this: "It is pointless to spend money on the terminally ill. We should just let them die!"
Ah well. Interesting.
I think it depends on what the money is being spent on. If it's something like what the Make-A-Wish foundation do e.g. take ill children on a holiday, then I think it's perfectly alright. But um, when we're talking about someone who is already on life support, stuck in a coma for months and months without any guarantee of ever waking up, then I think the plug should be pulled.
I do sound cruel, don't I? I suppose some people would take it that way. It's even more cruel to prolong someone's pain. As opposed to pulling the plug.
That's what the Advanced Medical Directive (AMD) is for. If you ever end up in a vegetative state, it's like allowing the doctors to take life support away and let you die. Peacefully. Better than living a long, but painful life.
Quality of life wins over length of life. To me anyway. The AMD also helps avoiding conflict between family members who want life support to be taken away and the ones who don't want that to happen. Plus the big hospital bill they're gonna get.
At any rate, the talk's over, so I'm rejoicing :D Any presentations coming up next will be in groups. After the individual one, I think I can handle a group one XD
I recently stumbled onto an Anti-Shur'tugal site. Well, it as good as means "Anti-Eragon and Eldest site". Rather enlightening experience.
I won't say now that the books sucked. I liked it at some parts. But I think the thing that raised the ire of so many is that the books are overrated. Like freakingly so.
Plus the big similarity that the Inheritance books have with other stories. The whole farm boy-turns-hero-that-saves-world (Sounds familiar?) and the similarity of names between the books and Tolkien's. Hell, the name of a location in Eragon's world is the SAME as the name of someone in "The Silmarillion". (If you want to know, the name is "Melian". The mother of Lúthien Tinúviel in "The Silmarillion". Look around on Alagäesia's map and you'll find it.)
And it doesn't just stop at there. Look at the Beor Mountains (Beorn), Ardwen (Arwen), Eldor (Eldar) and Isenstar (Isengard). There're others. Can someone explain to me why? It's not just one name, it's like Paolini took some names from Tolkien and just switched some letters :S
I don't hate the books, but I've lost my respect for them. *shrugs*
I returned some books, but came home with more today :P I borrowed:
"Mira, Mirror" by Mette Ivie Harrison
"A Mouse Called Wolf" by Dick-King Smith <----(Been looking for this, I've read it before in my primary school days; been wanting to re-read.)
"Emil and the Detectives" by Erich Kästner
"Tales from Earthsea" by Ursula K. LeGuin (I've finished this one.)
"A Wizard from Earthsea" by Ursula K. LeGuin
"Baby Blues: Dad to the Bone" by Rick Kirkman & Jerry Scott
"May the Force be with us, please: A FoxTrot Collection" by Bill Amend
The last two are comic strip collections XD The first three I've read and am just re-reading again. See, I don't actually read so much! :P
I keep getting comments from other people like "Bookworm". People, I'm not even reading textbooks! I'm just reading whatever pleases me! It doesn't count! Does it? If I talk too much about books, feel free to tell me. I'll stop XD