Oh whee, look at the time :P
I went to VivoCity yesterday. Two weeks into its opening and it's still so freakin' crowded.
Have I ever mentioned that I have trouble reining in my temper whenever I'm in a crowded place? XD
Yeah, the place pretty much got on my nerves. You have to walk quite a while to get to wherever the bathroom is -_- And you can't just stand at one point even for a second or you'll get into the way of one person or another. You have to keep trying to squeeze in between spaces too. This is what I detest about crowds.
We didn't get our PS2. Because Best Denki apparently doesn't have any in stock. And you don't see any PS2 games at VivoCity's Best Denki...which is kinda weird since they have the console. The assistants kinda gave us conflicting answers to our questions. We asked if they had the console, and one said there wasn't any in stock, while another said that the stock wouldn't be coming at all.
There's a big difference between the stock not there, but is going to be delivered and the stock not going to be there at all, you know.
So we thought of getting an MP3 player, but then my dad's voucher wasn't enough for both of us though. I wouldn't have minded if he only bought one for my brother. After all, an MP3 player doesn't top my wishlist. Now give me a Toys 'R' Us voucher and I'd make it work XD With lots of Gundam model kits.
I don't get why the minimum space for the iPods they have is 2GB, which is really expensive, and frankly, I don't think anyone actually needs that much space. We didn't get one because my mum didn't seem too happy about it anyway.
At any rate, I didn't think it was anymore different from the usual mall. So I don't see the big deal about it, aside from the fact that it's just larger than usual *shrugs*
I am thinking of a journal title right now...But can't think of any at the moment XDDD