Jan 10, 2005 14:36
Is there something wrong with me??? Am I that horrible and ugly of a person that no matter how nice I am to others they treat me like shit.. and make me feel like im just the most horrible person in the world and that there always right.. I dont get it.. I know im not the prettiest or the Skinniest person in the world but I always thought that its whats onthe inside that counts eventhouh i am tryin to loose some weight and have lost 20 lbs.. Im tired of people tellin me what is gonna happen in my marriage etc when I love my husband and he loves me for who i am why cant some people understand that..
My biggest regret is that jay reinlisted.. that or its just this POS post.. I hate bein Here at fort polk. I've had nothin but Issues since i've moved here.. At times I wish jay would have gotten out the military and I wish I was still in school.. I never had so much drama in my life as I do now ... I've been dealin with so much criticism its not even funny... But the big question is.. Is there somethin terribly wrong with me.. ??? For those who know me i wonder what they honestly think of me... ???