Title: Confessions from a Broken Heart
Chapter: 11/ 13 + alternate ending
Author: sahbeL
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: I do not own these boys. <3
Characters/Pairings: JaeHo/YooSu
Summary: “JaeJoong-Hyung! IF you had to choose between your own life and the success of Dong Bang Shin Ki, which would it be?”
Author's Notes: Oh gosh, ladies and gentlemen, sahbeL
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reason why i feel rotten every few weeks is coz the weather's so ugly here that i'd get sick, get better then get sick again.. (every few weeks) lol.
i love the idea of having my tatt in the same place as JJ's coz it somehow makes me feel closer to him (i know, it sounds lame. it's not even his name. ahaha) noway would i tattoo anyone's name on me. LOL. I'm glad you think the butterfly will be cute/sweet. every time i tell ppl that im getting a butterfly they're like. ."oh everyone gets that.. " T__T but i really want a butterfly, not just coz it's sucha cliche tatt, but because of what it signifies as well! (yes i researched it on the net.. lol. im a nerd). anyway, i won't babble about this now, i'll write an entry later explaining all of my tattoo reasons and theories. LOL. (talk about essays.. hahaha)
and as for the pain, i don't really know how much it's going to hurt, but for some reason im not that worried. at the moment i have 6 piercings (none of which brought me to tears) so it's ok.. but then again, those piercings are just my ears, and tatts would probably hurt more. but i don't think it'd be that bad. lol. idk.
thank you for the love! the part where u said this chpt. made you stop eating made me laugh coz im EXACTLY the same when im reading fic hahaha.
aww.. you have 6 piercings.. i really wish to have more piercings, especially nose and navel piercings.. but as i said before, i'm a chicken xD
owh.. i see.. so you mean literally sick.. i thought you've a serious problem or something like that that makes you lost your motivation for studying or working or whatever it is you have to do... glad to hear that.. well.. in that case, just hope the weather will get better.. well, at least it's better than here.. it's always sunshine the whole year... except for certain times there'll be heavy downpours.. argh.. how i envy those country with four seasons.. must be niceee xP lol grass is always greener on the other side, no? :)
rofl if you can read fics 24/7, soon enough you'd run out of fics to read, won't you? xD i wonder who'd be able to write so many fics in a short time for you to read.. if you get what i mean :D LOL..
your long reply kinda surprise me.. but i loveee it.. love it when author takes his/her time to reply comments and especially a long one at that XD much love~ and good luck for the next next chapters :D let me know again if you've had the tattoo.. (and no, i don't find it silly at all.. that's sweet that you wanna have that tattoo at the same place as joongie's, albeit different design.. you know, nothing's silly when it comes to dbsk and jae-fangirling xD i support you all the way.. just don't have too many tattoos all over your body cos i think that'd be gross, IMHO.. can't stand it when i saw people did that)
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