Post SATC haze

Oct 14, 2009 08:26

Finally.  6:03 this evening I finished Sex and the City, and I just can’t believe how kilig the ending was. Oh! Wouldn’t it be so nice to have the world and the perfect man at your feet but the one you’re destined to love right beside you?

Aw. I’m such a cry-baby. Harhar. Cried mostly during the last three or four seasons. And I also love Samantha and Smith, aren’t they just sweet? I know that in the movie Samantha eventually broke up with Smith, but how many possible times would a man (fictional or otherwise) be able to love you and still accept even when you went upstairs in an elevator with your past boyfriend and humped while he sits downstairs waiting for you? I really fell for that one. And Smith is so hot!

And of course, this poem Carrie wrote for Jeremy’s wedding, where she has those “Big” moments.

His hello was the end of her endings

Her laugh was their first step down the aisle

His hand would be hers to hold forever

His forever as simple as her smile

He said she was what was missing

She said instantly she knew

She was a question to be answered

And his answer was I do.

Isn’t this so nice? I’ve always wanted a poem especially made for my wedding. :D

destiny, sex and the city. true love, fate, blah, poem

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