Played Pines of Rome today with Symphonicity. I was just part of the offstage brass for mvt. 4 so didn't get to play much, but had a pretty spiffy view.
This was a nice weekend. Yesterday was lovely weather-wise, so I went for a short trek on a park trail and did a little shopping. I used my birthday money to get two pairs of jeans from The Buckle.
Normally I'd hate spending this kind of fact, I've only bought Buckle jeans once before.
And they've lasted me five years. Which is more than I can say for the rest of my pants :D
The awesome thing about Buckle jeans are they size them according to the waist, and hem them for free.
So all I have to do is tell them my waist size, and they help me find jeans appropriate for my body shape/size.
It's the closest you can get to tailored jeans! So yes, they're expensive, but once every five years ain't that bad imo!
Oh, the gastroenterologist was ok I guess. I described my symptoms, and they suggested a colonoscopy. I was scared, not gonna lie. I've pretty much not ever had a medical procedure done, and then they said you have to have anesthesia too...well at that point I was already thinking 'maybe my situation isn't THIS dire', haha. On top of that, who could I get to drive me on the day of the procedure? :/
Then they talked to me about the bill. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA.
Anesthesiologist: $350.
Colonoscopy: $1000.
Misc./Tissue Sample/Polyp Removal: $200-$500
Taking the Nurse's Hint and Skipping the Colonoscopy But Still Filling the Prescription for the Prep Cleanse: -$00.00
It seems that the prep cleanse alone might be enough to restart my system, according to the nurse. If there's something else wrong, such as a polyp or impaction, guess I'll know if this doesn't work. In that case, I'll just have to deal with it during/after the summer. Not ideal, but just don't have the money for this. And am scared to do it anyway...probably the real reason I'm backing out. Haha.
Tomorrow my boss is off again, but the owners will be in so I can't screw around :P
We'll have to talk about whether they want to keep me through May. Looking forward to that convo so I can have an idea of what to expect this summer.
I don't say it often enough, especially on lj cuz I'm here mostly to bitch about stuff :D but I am very lucky. If all of the above is all I have to worry about, that's not much.
I'll probably never be rich and always in debt,
but in exchange for that much of my life is made up of memorable and irreplaceable experiences.
I may never have a life partner.
But I have friends in every state, and new wonderful people to look forward to meeting.
I may never be secure in my career or housing,
but there are unconscionably generous people in my life who support me in any way they can,
whether I deserve it or not.
I may get tired, sick, or depressed. But I'm alive, I can run, drive, see, taste, touch, and enjoy.
I can play trombone. Sometimes the pay isn't in money, but in memories.
Life is better than I make it out to be.