
Nov 14, 2008 05:03

There's a boy reading a comic book in the Nexus - maybe one of the wandering super heroes will be able to make out the shadowy figure taunting the off-page heroes if they're good at that - and he looked perticually grumpy ( Read more... )

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Comments 214

alternate_faye November 14 2008, 11:14:47 UTC
"It's all because of massive egos," Faye comments, amused by the thought.


mkn000_quint November 14 2008, 11:31:10 UTC
"After getting cut down time and time again, they should learn to stuff the ego and get their job done first."


alternate_faye November 14 2008, 17:38:17 UTC
"Sure." She shrugs. "A lot of the hero types already have the idea not to gloat."


mkn000_quint November 14 2008, 21:24:10 UTC
"Well yeah, but why do they and not the villains?"


fell_to_earth November 14 2008, 12:25:28 UTC
"For the selfsame reason, perhaps, that the supposed heroes nonetheless will crow over their adversaries fallen corpses. Perhaps it may be so termed a simple act of hubris."

How many people come into the Nexus with the kinds of huge metal briefcases that look to contain robot parts? Probably not many. But here's one of them --

"Such a supposition assumes that the 'villain' in question is not in fact belabouring under a directive or compulsion."


mkn000_quint November 14 2008, 12:43:51 UTC
"I haven't seen a hero do that in here yet," he frowned. "But that could be bad writing. Man, seeing a hero get the smackdown because he was too busy running his mouth would be a great change of pace!"

Quint sat up to get better a look at Terra- and the briefcases too, of course. What's in there, green-haired man~

"Nah, I'm pretty sure he's the big bad here. There's the 'we did it, all is well in the world' happy ending, then a little something to try and get me to get the next issue."


fell_to_earth November 14 2008, 12:49:35 UTC
"History, it is said, is written by the victors; so it is also, with fiction. Though I have little doubt, myself, there have been such times written ... perhaps it is less likely to be found in such a place as what you currently read."

And Terra catches that curious glance, too. Why so interested, little Rock-like child creature ~

"Perhaps it is so in your reading; it is not always so in the world."


mkn000_quint November 14 2008, 13:00:21 UTC
"But that's no fun. If the hero saves the day every time, I already know what's going to happen. The world is definitely different, that I know."

Because they're big metal briefcases that most definitely have something neato inside. What's not to be interested in?


feathered_mages November 14 2008, 18:56:40 UTC
"That sounds like stupidity to me," says a creature that's found a Nexus Couch to perch on. And who is seriously thinking of casting thundaga on the next person to tell him Halloween was last month. Idiots that didn't know an authentic Black Waltz when they saw one, even if he was on the upper edge of preteen size.


mkn000_quint November 14 2008, 21:25:11 UTC
Oh, don't tempt Quint into making the comment himself. If he wasn't busy trying to get a good look under that hat to see what was hidden by the shadow, he might have already done it.

"Obviously. But what's going through their head that makes them think it's a good idea? And why don't I see any heroes doing it? Just because they're on the so called 'good' side doesn't mean they can't be stupid too."


feathered_mages November 14 2008, 22:32:54 UTC
The shadows are a bit too dark to be caused by the hat alone. It's impossible to see anything of Arashi's face other than those glowing eyes. "They're just stupid in other ways. Besides, in stories, most people like it if the heroes win. I suppose it makes them sleep better at night."

"I wouldn't know what they're thinking. If you're supposed to kill someone, then you kill them. Swiftly, without hesitation, and without mercy. You don't waste time toying with your prey..." He trails off a moment, thinking, "Although, I could imagine one of my siblings making that mistake. He would want to gloat too much if he won, and he'd want them to still be able to hear it."


mkn000_quint November 14 2008, 22:55:33 UTC
Odd. Maybe when he's done talking he'll try poking or nabbing that hat. "Doesn't seem to be enough to make them really slip up though."

"Even if they're essentially reading the same story over and over?"

"Sounds like you've got a bit of a problem with your brother. He could make some mess taking time to gloat like that."


typeo_support November 14 2008, 19:24:13 UTC
Villains tend to be deeply insecure people. It isn't enough for them to just win, they need to hear other people say they've won, and need to see how crushed their enemies are. They torment the heroes at their hour of triumph because they want full credit for all their work and cleverness. Just shooting the hero in the head is something any dink with an eye and a finger could do, but orchestrating the perfect master plan to bring about... I dunno, evil gumdrops or whatever--that's something only the archvillain can pull off.


mkn000_quint November 14 2008, 21:25:40 UTC
"Okay, that's better then just needing to feed an ego. But it's sad too."

"And gumdrops aren't evil already?"


typeo_support November 14 2008, 21:49:08 UTC
Villains are pretty sad people. Would they be doing villainy if they were happy and whole?

Man, that's profiling. There are good gumdrops, too.


mkn000_quint November 14 2008, 21:56:45 UTC
"I don't know, some of this stuff looks pretty fun. Like making monsters to rip apart building as people flee in fear. Besides, the heroes usually have something personal that's pushing them towards heroing. They can't be happy leading a normal life any more then the villain."

He shook his head. "I'd have to see that to believe it."


serpent_bitch November 14 2008, 22:18:42 UTC
"Because they're amateurs," said a woman sitting on a couch, drinking a soda.

"Any villain worth their salt knows when to gloat and when not. Personally, I'm a bit of a talker - bad habit, I know - but I know when my plans are going to succeed, and I prepare accordingly. A good villain always has contingency plans should something go wrong. If a good villain gloats, it's because they can afford to. Naturally, for every good villain, there's a couple dozen amateurs who don't know what they're doing, but that's fine. They make good pawns."


mkn000_quint November 14 2008, 22:39:32 UTC
"Oh ho! Then those are the villains that should get written about! The best they seem to do is escape at the end to try again. Really makes me wonder how they sell this stupid story and make any profit."


serpent_bitch November 14 2008, 22:55:48 UTC
"Well, I can't say I know much about that. I'm not terribly much of a comic book reader. I've got other things to concentrate on, I'm afraid.


mkn000_quint November 14 2008, 22:59:36 UTC
"Of course. What kind of things are you up to?" This was much more interesting then any stupid comic book.


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