Poor little Edward hasn't been frequenting the Nexus much as of late, and so seems to have forgotten how much of a BAD idea messing with things here is...then again, did he ever learn that lesson?
"'Frightfully wonderful'...ooh, prizes?" :D DUDE HE'S ALL OVER THAT. He has to jump to reach the lever, but pull it he does!
That rock in Ed's path doesn't seem to like them either, seeing as it just made him go tumbling into a dazed and confused mess. GO, LITTLE DEMON-COWS, GO!!
Glug glug glug PBBBBT COUGH HACK. The little cown have their hands full trying to get milk down this kid's throat!...and keeping him in place, that's a hell of a lot of thrashing.
"'Frightfully wonderful'...ooh, prizes?" :D DUDE HE'S ALL OVER THAT. He has to jump to reach the lever, but pull it he does!
What's that sound, little boy? It's a bunch of tiny, diminutive, demonic cows. In glasses.
And they're coming your way.
One wonders where Oogie finds these things.
"Wha-wha-wha-wha--G-GET AWAY FROM MEEEEEEEEE!" He scrabbles back in a panic, falling on his butt in his haste.
And it seems they have milk with them.
It would probably be wise to run.
Which is disappointing for Boogie. Stalemates are kind of boring.
And they force their glasses of demonic dairy products upon him.
Eventually, they waste their resources and at last leave Ed alone, savaged and most likely stained by milk.
Oh what a terrible thing, this All Hallow's Eve.
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