
Apr 24, 2007 12:27

A dark form is crouched on a ledge, wings half open as it surveys the Nexus. After a moment, it speaks.

"How does one ensure one's own survival when one's host will not let one protect the host?"

While distorted, it's undeniably Vincent's voice. But it's not Vincent speaking.

((Mun is off to bed. I'll reply when I return.))

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Comments 152

freadernasansan April 24 2007, 18:19:50 UTC
"Control over the host."


unforgivenchaos April 24 2007, 18:24:28 UTC
"The host is powerful. And this one does not wish to harm him. He has already suffered much harm at the hands of his own kind."


freadernasansan April 24 2007, 18:25:36 UTC
"Maybe it's a cruel to be kind situation."


unforgivenchaos April 24 2007, 18:30:18 UTC
A low growl, and a hint of fangs. "This one does not want to break him."


jaegermonster April 24 2007, 18:52:08 UTC
Vell, if you vas some kind of slaver-bug, you'd just haf to deal vith the fact that people don't like hafing some bug take over their head and vould rather die than go on that vay. ::pauses:: But if you were some kind of slaver-bug, it vouldn't matter vhat he "let" you do. Vhat iz you?


unforgivenchaos April 24 2007, 19:13:13 UTC
"This one is no slave. This one is Chaos."


jaegermonster April 24 2007, 19:17:46 UTC
::Nods:: I'z Maxim. So if you doesn't vant to take him over all the vay, Mr. Chaos, vhat does you vant to do, and vhat'z his problem vith it?


unforgivenchaos April 24 2007, 19:31:06 UTC
"This one would prefer that the host would accept this one's presence. The host does not trust this one and seems to fear this one."


arguewithmyself April 24 2007, 19:20:28 UTC
"One ensures one's survival by finding other ways in which to benefit the host."


unforgivenchaos April 24 2007, 19:34:30 UTC
"This one has done so, but the host still does not accept this one. The host seems to fear this one, and this one has never caused harm to the host."


arguewithmyself April 24 2007, 19:38:32 UTC
"It is the unknown which frightens many hosts. It is what we are capable of doing which causes them such fear, not so much what we have or have not done. They are afraid that others will see them as a monster, not as the person they once were."


unforgivenchaos April 24 2007, 19:56:17 UTC
"The host has already lost much of what he once was at the hands of his own kind. This one has tried to help him by keeping him from remembering the betrayal that led to this one being joined with him. But now it is time for him to remember, and he is fighting it."

Chaos shifts slightly, wings rustling. "This one and the host must be in harmony, or else the planet is lost."


thebasi April 24 2007, 21:58:33 UTC
Basi blinks upward at the voice, and tilts her head to the side slightly. Silence, and then she makes a small, satisfied sound. 'The host is not capable of protecting himself?'


unforgivenchaos April 24 2007, 22:05:56 UTC
"The host is weak to psychological attacks regarding his humanity."


thebasi April 24 2007, 22:11:19 UTC
'Ahh.' Basi barely manages to keep a neutral expression. An "oh hell yes" one wouldn't be polite here at all. 'If - excuse me. Would you mind if I came up there with you? It'd be a little more comfortable.' She's going to get a crick like this.

(( How high up is he? She can manage, it'll just change how she does it depending on where he is. ))


unforgivenchaos April 24 2007, 22:13:16 UTC
In answer, Chaos moves to the side and folds its wings closer to its back.

((Only about 6-7 feet up.))


notariverstone April 25 2007, 02:20:53 UTC
Um. "Chaos. How do you want to protect him?"


unforgivenchaos April 25 2007, 02:25:08 UTC
"The Crimson dark one would not have gotten the protomateria if the host had trusted this one."


notariverstone April 25 2007, 02:31:30 UTC
He has to run that one through a second time, before fully understanding. No names; thanks, Chaos. He considers. "He's frightened of you. Let me speak to him."


unforgivenchaos April 25 2007, 02:37:14 UTC
Chaos uses names when it wants to. Usually when it remembers to.

"This one has tried to wake him, but he does not respond." Chaos shifts slightly, distressed by that.


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