Jun 13, 2006 19:05
((heh. was tryin to avoid too much OOC stuff, but cant think of anythin else to do just now.
so. there's someone I know. as in like a friend or acquaintance or whatever you want to describe. cool person, get along with 'em well, etc. cept now, they've been around someone else they know, and the other person seems to be manipulating them.
i mean, I was kinda uncomfortable round the second person from the start, just sense that they werent my type or whatever, but I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, friend of a friend, dont know 'em too well, who'm I to judge?
then someone whose judgement I really trust and respect on this sort of thing points it out. and so I HAVE to think about it, cuz this is someone that I know is good at dealing with and reading people like that. then not long after they mention this to me, I happen to see something that was a pretty obvious example, so there's not much left to doubt. so basically, all evidence Ive seen suggest person one is under the influence of person two, and I don't think it's good for them.
so how the heck are you supposed to explain to someone they're being manipulated when they're still under the influence of the manipulator?))