How To Handle Things 1/1

Mar 10, 2016 22:44

How To Handle Things
Title: How To Handle Things
Author missnegreenwood aka sagaluthien
Fandom, Character(s)/Pairing: SPN, Sam Winchester,
snap-shot in verse!blind Sam, When Things Turned Out Diffrently masterlist here
Rating & Warning: PG, au, blind!Sam, see also author's note
Theme/table: Angst-Fest Table for 2011 nano challenge.
Prompt(s): # 11 loss
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, not any of it's characters and make no profit from this work.
Author's Notes: This is another snap-shot in blind!Sam!verse. Some is done 2010 and you got a Masterpost, for all and eventually reading order.

Summary: You never say what you work with, then you will live longer.

Those that were closest to him knew he didn't like to talk of certain things. Most of the subjects to avoid included some form of loss. He seldom talked about his father, Dean, Jessie, Madison or what lay behind his loss of his sight. They knew he would not talk with them for days if they brought up the subjects, so they avoid them.

Sam was happy not to speak of certain things, because it hurt deep down inside to talk of them. He knew he should work on his issues, but instead he fled them rather than worked through them. Of course his upbringing had always meant you didn't talk about supernatural things. It was always a risk to speak of them, so you locked them away inside. It was just his way of life.

type:au, verse!blind!sam, disability:blindness, rating:pg, fandom:supernatural, type:snap-shot, character:sam winchester

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