Giving The Creeps 1/1

Jul 17, 2011 23:22

Giving The Creeps

Title: Giving the Creeps
Fandom: SPN
Pairing: Dean,
Rating and Warning: NC-17
Written for samidha at the comment_fic on the theme Colours and the prompt colours of fire. Link.
Beta: Soar
Author's Note: Take place after Season 3.

Summary: There are things that is changed since Dean been in Hell.

Since he had come back from Hell, there were so many things he had to confront and work through. One thing was that his tolerance for certain colours was no longer the same. The tolerance for orange, yellow, red and variants of them made his skin crawl. It sent cold shivers down his back as soon there was red, yellow and orange, especially if they were put together. It reminded him of fire and made his skin crawl.

He had never been fond of bright colours, so Dean was happy that he had no brightly coloured clothes, or he would have disposed of them quickly upon his return. His distaste was so great that he noticed that he no longer pursued any girl that either wore the colour, or had fire red hair. Before, he'd had no problem with that, as long there had been two long legs and boobs, he could flirt with her. Now he tried to get away.

It sure had a flipside to have been in Hell. Damn Azazel.

type:ficlet, character:dean winchester, community:comment fic, fandom:supernatural

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