More Than They Wished For
Title: More Than They Wished For 3/10
sagas_storiesFandom & Characters: SPN, AU, Dean/Sam, OFC & OMC
Rating & Warning: NC-17, Mpreg, Au and crack (in my opinion)
glo_starz, thank you for helping me.
Disclaimer: Do not own them, just borrowed.
Author's Note: This comes from a wish at
spnkink_meme and the complete wish is to be seen
Some of the chapters is short.
Summary: Dean and Sam feels ready to get more children, so they visit the fertility Idol again, but does not expect what will come.
MasterpostPrevious Chapters:
Chapter 1,
Chapter 2,
* May *
They did go to another doctor to see if the result would change. Dean had gotten bigger and one part of the result had changed. It was not eight, it would be ten. After they had left the doctor office both agreed they wouldn't go there anymore.
The doctor had of course said the same thing. Dean would need to abort most of the foetuses, at once or Dean would not only risk the children, but also himself. Would he want to try he probably could only count on that in about ten, max eighteen weeks he would deliver them - very prematurely.
In the car Dean had been a total mess, crying and Sam had to stop to assure him they would not do an abortion and if they were careful they could probably help him carry them as long as he could. Neither knowing how long it would be. At home Dean went around as a whirlwind doing things and it was like he'd never been a wreck in tears. When Bobby came with the twins and they messed up as five years old do he threw a fit at them.
Sam had first to calm the twins down and then try to handle Dean.
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