Title: Interfering
Author: Sagaluthien - Saga Chriztine
Fandom, Characters: SPN, Sam/Dean
Rating, warning: PG-13
Beta: Jane Doe
Disclaimer: I just borrowed them for a little, with no intention to intimate or degrade. There has not been any profit to this.
Author's Note: First, is this written for
chubwinchesters and their Drabble-a-thon.
Found here.This will be a story in my fat!DeanVerse. Probably early in it, before it went to them for find a place to settle down in.
Wished prompt: Dean's been putting on weight and it's starting to interfere with the job. Sam has to talk to him about it.
Here is links to all of the stories in the verse. Summary: There is a line until a person can keep quiet.
They had never talked about certain things and Sam thought he would never need to do it either, but it looked like the time had come. Sam felt bad to have to bring it up and there was a possibility he would not do it again.
Sam was exhausted. He was tired and he was angry at his brother. So far Sam hadn't said anything to Dean about what started with him. He was changing, and with their work it wasn't for the better. At every opportunity, which was a lot, Dean ate and ate. At first Sam hadn't thought about it, but then he noticed Dean would eat his leftovers, and then Dean started to order a large or extra piece of the dinner and soon enough he would eat a double meal.
Dean didn't say anything. Dean only smiled and continued to eat whenever Sam gave him a questionable look. The clothes did look smaller and tighter and at times they even changed. Even if they probably had been switched to a bigger size, those soon became outgrown too. Dean was right to try to hide it from Sam.
The only thing was that now it looked to have come to a point where Sam could not stay silent. This night had been him that had to work the most. Dean had helped dig up the grave as long it had not been more than 15 inches deep, after that it was Sam. Actually with the gut and wider arms and legs Dean had developed he was out of breath quickly and it had been hard for Sam to get his brother up from the grave.
Also now when Dean was eating their hamburgers, Sam decided he had to tell his brother it wouldn't work much longer if he kept eating the way he did and added more pounds to his body. That they at some point, and probably soon, could not continue the hunting. He wanted Dean to see what was happening. Only what he was saying didn't seem to go through.
Sam knew that he would not hate Dean for continuing. He had a part of him that liked the softer body his brother had gotten, and if Dean wanted to be his stubborn self who was Sam to complain. He had to be satisfied that he had finally said something to Dean.
~*~*~ The End ~*~*~