Title: The Lost Letters of Legolas
Under title: Muin Aragorn (Dear Aragorn),
Chapter/part: 16/30, each one will be a letter done for
10_lettersRating: PG-13
Fandom: LOTR
Character: Legolas and to who ever he written to
Prompt: # 16 Moonlight, 30 a general
Beta: Tena
http://sagaluthien.livejournal.com/249869.htmlAuthor's Notes: Set after film/books
Previous Chapters/Letters:
Letter 1,
Letter 2,
Letter 3,
Letter 4,
Letter 5,
Letter 6,
Letter 7,
Letter 8,
Letter 9,
Letter 10,
Letter 11,
Letter 12,
Letter 13,
Letter 14,
Letter 15 Muin Aragorn,
I have been sitting outside of our talan most of the night. It is a beautiful night with the moonlight illuminating the trees. For a time there I did not believe that I would be able to experience this again. All of the darkness I first lived with in Mirkwood, and then what we meet during our quest did affect me and it was true what Galadriel told me I would hear the seagulls call. After the very first time I heard them, they never have disappeared. It is moments like this that can make it bearable, and I can stand against the call.
I have probably said it before, but I know one day I will not be able too. When that time comes I will sail.
Enough of those gloomy thoughts for awhile. I have some news to tell you. Limwen has finally conceived and we are expecting our first elfling in the spring. I can finally understand how you felt when Arwen was expecting Eldarion. It is the most wonderful feeling. We do take one day at the time, especially as it seems that Limwen is having a difficult time with the pregnancy.
With her pregnant I will not travel, so you and your family are very welcome to come and visit us anytime. Maybe rhîw or why not Lasselanta, the later will probably be better for the children. If you ever meet any of our other friends you can tell them they are welcome too.
I think I have been away from Limwen long enough.
Nan lû govaded vîn,
Rhîw - winter
Lasselanta - (Leaf fall) Beginning of winter.
Nan lû govaded vîn - Until next we meet