❤❤ Vampire Knight chapter 61 in English is (finally! XD;) here~! ❤❤
Same-ish as the summary preview, because this pic is too hot to pass using again. XD
Chaos month was chaotic. ^^; It was full of work deadlines, and right when I was about to be able to scan LaLa, I had RL stuff I needed to attend for family stuff that took longer than expected, and then afterwards I crashed sick. ^^;;
(Sadly, I actually had LaLa a day or two after the summary post, and have been dying to scanlate and come post since then, but with it all, it took forever before I could. ^^;;;)
I'm healed now though. It seems it was nothing much, just a general mess/clusterfail of lack of sleep + stress and the fact I'm a moron who sometimes forgets to eat when working in deadline mode (XD;), so my body wasn't exactly at its ideal point for fighting germs and stuff.
It seems the moment I stepped away from work and inhaled the air outside, the germs saw the self-serve buffet and nailed me down or something. XD; *lol*
*was in bed for a day due to feeling dizzy when trying to stand and other things involving buckets that I'm sure no one wants to know about (;;)... but is okay now* XD;
Sorry for the resulting extra delay. The chapter is here now though~! ^^/
Enjoy the chapter~! :D♥
(While you wait for the book version to buy/to support the series, naturally~!^^/)
But before we go to the chapter, just a quick thingie on the rules:
(If you're a long term visitor here, you probably already saw me whining about character/pairing/etc. bashing and so on countless times, so you can probably breeze through it faster since it's well-known content. XD;;;
I put the main points in bold/larger font as usual. ^^/)
RULE 01: PLEASE BUY THE OFFICIAL RELEASES. No bootlegs!! D: Please support the series!!
Series die without support. ;-; Don't kill VK...
RULE 02: PLEASE, DO NOT BASH ANY CHARACTER OR ANY PAIRING. (And much less real people, obviously.)
Please respect the feelings of your fellow fans and their favorites etc.
You may love or hate something, it’s your freedom, but that freedom only goes up to where it encroaches on someone else’s freedom too.
So you can obviously feel however you want about a pairing/character/scene/whatever it is, but it’s not fair to express that in a way that will diminish the enjoyment of people who like what you dislike.
Keep in mind that you are in fandom to enjoy yourself during what free time you can get, and so are the other fans. No one is "better" than someone else, regardless of which pairing(s) they like, so please respect everybody.)
RULE 03: If you hate something, instead of commenting to express that hatred, focus on the positive.
If you have nothing positive to say about the current chapter, comment instead to say something positive about the character or pairing you like instead, or about your hopes for positive stuff with the character you like in future chapters etc. ♥
Please don't get me wrong, I have nothing whatsoever against civilized discussion and talks about the plot etc. ^^;/
But lately things have been so heated up in many places with many people liking one pairing or the other and hating whichever they view as a "rival pairing", that tempers tend to go fast and people slip pretty often into negative stomping of a character/pairing/scene or the other, rather than actually discussing. ^^;;
So especially for now, I'd prefer if people can focus instead on what they enjoy in the chapter/series/anything they like in VK, so that at least we all get to talk about enjoyable things, rather than risk people fighting or unpleasant situations. ^^;
Although of course, I'm not saying people can't discuss the plot etc. ^^/ I just want to avoid it slipping into an all out fight in here, if people start presenting one pairing or the other negatively and it all catches on fire. XD;
I think it's also more fun to discuss the things we enjoyed in VK and produce fanfiction/fanart/etc. based on the series, than to delve into long discussions of "this character/pairing/scene is better because [and in many cases at one point or another someone ends up trashing another character/pairing/scene some else likes]". ^^;;
If we can discuss things civilizedly, then it's fine and great, but if people are going to comment to say they hated this or that and that it sucked or that this or that pairing/character/scene/chapter is [insert here something very negative], then please ...don't? ^^;;
That's the type of stuff I have in mind when I ask that people please comment instead focusing on whatever they enjoyed, whether it's in this chapter or anything else in the series. ^^; That way it can be more pleasant for fans of all pairings too.
But of course, peaceful discussions are perfectly fine if all involved respect each other and don't cause it to be all negative etc. ^^/
(And as long as it's not used to directly or indirectly put down anyone who's also discussing it or anything. ^^;)
RULE 04: PLEASE, NO "you're a traitor to so-and-so pairing" attacks at anyone!! Just because someone likes a scene/chapter/anything, does NOT give you the right to assume the person dislikes other pairings. ^^;
PLEASE, DO NOT go around attacking people on the basis that they can’t possibly like more than one pairing or anything like that. Please, DO NOT flame people or ruin the fun and pleasant feeling of fandom by acting like every step or word is like a minefield and even one bit of fangirling one pairing can make someone be accused of being a traitor to another pairing they like or something. That's simply not fair. ^^;
And that sort of behavior makes everybody wary of posting and ruins the fun of fandom.
PLEASE, let people like one, two, three, a bajillon pairings as they like. If you only like one pairing, that’s your freedom, but don’t claim others are less good fans because they like more than one pairing.
We’re all free, not only the people who like the same pairing as you do. (Regardless of whether you are on one side or the other, because both sides of the fandom are more and more often guilty of pretty epic stuff.
Bashing and pairing wars etc. suck, not only for each side, but even more for the misfortunate souls who love the trio together and who as a result tend to get their fandom experience trashed by the rage of both sides. ^^;)
(In case I didn’t plead enough yet... ^^;)
Keep also in mind that people’s likes evolve over time, and people might get to like more pairings, or less, or different pairings, as the story evolves. So going around claiming that because someone loved one pairing first they have no right to love the other pairing is nonsensical and unfair.
I like KxY since early in the series, but I also ended up liking ZxY too, as the story advanced. I ship primarily yaoi stuff (Zero x Kaname is my absolute favorite pairing for VK) but I adore the main trio in a loving threesome or as individual pairings, and, well ...that's how it is, I'm not going to stop liking any of the sides of the triangle just because there's people (on either side) that occasionally attack others claiming people have to pick sides or are betraying a pairing by liking more than one.
Claiming that liking one pairing forbids liking the other(s) is nonsensical. It's a manga!! ^^; Of course we can love the triangle in any possible combination!! No one has a right to say we can't. ^^;;;
No one has a right to tell others what to like and what to dislike. We’re all different people, and there’s no moral compass of you liking/disliking something making other people wrong if they dislike/like that same thing. It’s a fictional story!! ^^;;
The important thing is to respect your fellow fans' feelings and not attack their likes either.
I miss the old VK fandom. You know, back when it was a bit smaller and less full of rage and hatred between pairing-sides. ^^;
Back when even though bashing was already a problem it still wasn't quite as big as the problem of people actually attacking other fans claiming they have to pick sides and acting like you MUST love one pairing and hate the other or whatever.
Let us love whatever we like, be it threesome, one pairing, two pairings, a ton of pairings, whatever. Focus on what YOU love please, instead of what you hate. Let the others live in peace, instead of flaming and attacking. ^^;
And PLEASE, don't bash me for asking that people don't bash. ^^;;;; Believe me, my asking for people not to bash is a regular occurrence in my VK posts, regardless of the specific pairing showcased more in the chapter at hand.
It does NOT mean I'm asking for one side only to not bash while the other continues, obviously! ^^;;; I hate bashing of ANY character or pairing, so that would be rather pointless considering both sides are bashing each other. T_T Bashing is bad regardless of who's bashing or what is being bashed.
And my asking people not to bash is most definitely NOT an attack against you, your favorite pairing, or whoever else. Seriously. ^^;;; Just in case.
Things have been very heated with the pairing vs pairing stuff in fandom lately, and I seriously don’t want to attract anymore of that here or anywhere, but please, let's just all enjoy the series together. ;^;
If you don't like one chapter or one scene or one anything, there are other chapters you do enjoy, and that you can focus on while waiting for the next scene you like. ^^/
Please just focus on whatever you enjoy, and if you get a sudden urge to bash a character/pairing/scene/whatever or --worse, obviously-- to attack someone, please just breathe deeply and then talk about something positive instead.
Proceed with gentleness and before you decide to attack anyone or anything, please think of how it would feel to you if your post was written by someone else talking about you or your favorite character. ^^;;
AGAIN, I'm not aiming this ranting at any indvidual/group/pairing/anything in particular, I seriously am just so tired of the constant fighting in this fandom.
It's gone from a peaceful haven in which I used to think "wow, this is so much more peaceful than the shonen fandoms", and then the anime became big in the West and bit by bit everything became so big and now it's just constant warfare and people acting like there's a great wall separating the fandom by pairings. ^^;;
Don't let this happen to our fandom, please. :( Let's enjoy the series instead of wasting time with such stuff. ^^;
I used to think talking to people and asking them not to fight or bash etc. might help, but more and more I'm wondering if perhaps there's nothing to be done and if trying to find peace in fandom is just like trying to find needles among hay or something. ^^; It shouldn't be like that.
Just in conclusion: PLEASE, keep fandom pleasant for us all, please don't bash or attack. ^^;
And please don't think this rant it aimed at any groups or individuals. I've seen this kind of issue in SO MANY sites, with so many people.
It's NOT about you or your pairing, whatever that is. Keeping fandom peaceful and happy for us all is a group effort! ^^//
So please, enjoy fandom peacefully. X3❤❤❤
Okay, enough depressing stuff. ^^;; And I'm so sorry if I sound terrible repetitive or like I'm stating the obvious or if this whole thing asking people not to bash is terribly depressing or boring. ^^;
Truly, the vast majority of people who come here are wonderful and it's a joy and a replenishment of fannish energies to read their comments about various stuff in the series. This whole long thing of "please don't bash! D:" is of course not meant to the lovely people who already don't bash, but simply to people in general in hopes that some who may occasionally bash or something, without quite thinking of how it makes fandom feel, might take a look at this as they pass by, and consider trying a more positive approach or something like that. ^^; (At least while they're commenting here, in any case, so that at least hopefully there won't be any fighting between the commenters or anything. XD;;)
But of course, it's not in any way to people who already don't bash. ^^; Sorry if the wall of text bored you to tears.
About the chapter commentary/rambling-thingie: AS USUAL, the commentary written in my post is shock-full of spoilers. ^^/
So please only read the commentary once you've read the chapter, in case I am randomly talking about later pages throughout the commentary. ^^;;
Not only that, but the commentary is also VERY random. It's the sum of my fangirling, my rambling about theories and fic ideas resulting from the chapter, and a number of things. Depending on how awake or how in the mood to theorize I am, or how much time I have or whatever, it ranges from relevant to just plain crazed yaoi drooling. XD;;
So if you read each page reading the commentary on same time as you read the chapter the first time, it gets very messy. ^^;
I always recommend always reading the manga chapter once first, and THEN re-reading with the commentary, so that your enjoyment of the canon isn't diminished by losing track of things due to all the random rambling. ^^; (Or by having me rambling about Rido x Kaname or anything. XD)
And warning: the ramblings/commentary are generally full of wild fangirling. ^^/
For the most part, it’s yaoi fangirling, since I adore Zero x Kaname (and tend to also wildly and randomly ship Rido x Kaname, Ichiru x Zero, and a ton of other pairings also), but it also delves into plenty of other pairings, and particularly, I ship Yuuki with both of the guys, either as a threesome or separate.
So, well... don't be surprised if I mention either or both of the pairings at random places, or them as a threesome.
Please don't throw rocks whether you like the same pairings or not. (Some people throw them because they dislike a pairing or character, others throw them because they like the pairing or character but feel that my mentioning the character they like in relation with the character/pairing/whatever they dislike is blasphemy, and so on. ^^;) So... please don't. ;^;
Again, EITHER SIDES. ^^; Please don't think I'm targetting one side or the other. Bashing sucks from either side.
And a content forewarning of sorts: Countless pages could be written on why we think this or that character acts this or that way in this or that moment when they're under stress/shaken/whatever. That's cool and all, but it's still all speculation and theorizing, over something fictional no less. So please, don't lose it or anything over some of the things they do and say, (especially in the early pages of the chapter. ^^;; There's Rido later, but he's, well, so far out of the norm that it's a whole other matter. XD; *lol*)
Sometimes people, be they real or just characters, say or do odd things without it meaning they are jerks. It can happen for a variety of reasons, stress/being shaken by recent frightening events in the plot, and/or craving reassurance and close contact/warmth, or even being angry at oneself or at whatever happened that shook them, or being about to face one of their worst fears and something they mentioned fearing for so many years, and crave the closeness and feeling of safety or something.... and many other things can easily be among the possible reasons for people to be extra-blunt of say things that get you wondering what's going on. ^^;/
VK is very interesting in that rather than being "perfect" love-interest-cardboard-cutouts with no depth, the characters in the series are all (especially the main cast) full of fascinating complexity, at least for those we've seen often enough to find out about. (Maybe even the day class girls screaming in front of the door might have had such interesting traits if we'd gotten to meet them up close more in the story. XD *lol* But in any case, the main cast is very complex.)
That also means they all have their good days and bad days, and sometimes any of them might just do things that get you thinking "aaah, wtf did you just say/do?!", but if you think of what might be going on in their mind/life/etc., you understand why they ended up saying or doing this or that, even if that doesn't always means we will approve of it. We just understand that there's a lot going on in their lives, and it's not posible to always be trying to be perfect.
But simply put, even on their bad days or when they do or say strange things because of how their own emotions are in a storm inside or something, they are all still extremely interesting characters, in a series that's got an unexpectedly deep and complex main cast. And ultimately, they're all so loveable. X3
(Even if sometimes we want to shake them and ask what they were thinking when they said or did one thing or another. XD *lol*
If you go through all of VK, chances are you'll inevitably get that urge of all the characters, each at one point or another, if not several times for each with the main cast, since they're the ones in which the series focuses, and by definition the main trio is the ones of whom we get a more detailed picture. X3)
Keep in mind also that it's a vampire story, not a human love story. (The main trio are all vampires and even though Zero is not so from birth, he was already from a hunter family and thus deeply into vampire story stuff etc. as well. The whole plot of VK revolves heavily around all those vampire things in that world that's not ours, and in which some things are different.
And PLEASE, also keep in mind that when I mention any of the three, it's not to put down them or other characters, of course. I've seen different people with the belief that mentioning one or the other of the two guys while talking about the other pairing is bad/offensive/borderline bashing, but I don't see it that way at all. Obviously, it would be bashing if you were mentioning the character to compare them negatively and say one pairing sucks and the other rocks, but if you're not presenting any of them negatively and you love all three, then clearly there's nothing wrong with talking about them all.
You obviously do it due to loving them all rather than just loving one pairing, and of course it's not due to trying to step on either of the pairings. ^^; Why would you want to step on a pairing you like anyway? ^^;;;)
And lastly, this is a series targeted at older readers, so it's not like it will 'pervert any poor innocent souls', or give kids a bad idea of relationships in general or anything. (Human kids better not be biting each other's neck -- especially until it bleeds!! ^^;; Eek!-- to begin with, or running around with scytes and guns, or trying to turn into bats. XD XD *lol* Well, I may have tried that last one, but that was when I was five, so... XD *lol* (I think it was more a bird thing though, rather than bat, at that point. Back then, I thought that maybe if I ran in circles flapping my sweater fast enough, I might take off... and was convinced then that it wasn't working just because the room wasn't large enough to pick up momentum. XD XD;; (I did however know better than try from a window, even at that age, hahaha~ XD))
And besides, by the age of the people in VK's actual sales target age, I'd think you'd have to worry more about people in that age range getting pregnant too early or catching something, than about them learning "bad things" from a shojo vampire story, or about them being unable to tell reality from fiction. XD;
So please, read as a peaceful reader, and keep focused on what you like and positive stuff. ^^; Not what you dislike or all the negative you feel about something. ^^;;
And onwards to the chapter finally:
I hadn't realized exactly where they were standing, when I first read the chapter, and it was only by the time I took a closer look at the page on the magazine that it suddenly hit me what those pillars were, and the fact that Zero was not just behind some stuff in some archway like I'd initially thought from the pillars, but actually climbing up stairs. *_*
Then I exploded into a mass of fangirling. Do you recognize the stairs Zero is on? :D :D They're the stairs Yuuki was climbing in the previous chapter. X333 ♥♥♥♥ (The stairs farther from the building, where Aidou had followed Yuuki as she left.)
The people who go around claiming that people can only like one pairing and not two, and who say that I have no right to love Zeki because I loved Kaname x Yuuki earlier than them in the series (I'm into both pairings now, and have been so for some time already), I just wish you could have seen how delighted I got when I recognized where Zero was, and how bouncy I was over the fact that this page proved that Zero had followed Yuuki all the way to the spot where she left instead of just staying back at the safehouse. X3
The sight of him climbing the stairs with that wistful look is both heartwrenching and so beautiful~<333 (Fanfic inducing also~<3 *angsty fic lover* XD;;)
Once I was done fangirling the page in a serious manner, I went to put the text into it and the yaoi rushed in suddenly, completing the sentence as I heard it in my mind. XD;;
"Two Knights. And the princess is...?"
"The Princess is Kaname. :D" *is shot* (Aidou can be seme too... Or at least, he thinks he can. XD<3 *would love so much to see Zero & Aidou doing Kaname in a super steamy yaoi scene. X3)
Kaname is lovely as a prince of course, but for us dwellers of happy-yaoi-land, he is occasionally a princess bravely protected by the fearless knight Zero. X3 (Well, in my mind, that is. XD;;)
Or the king with his brave knight, or various other things. But because I prefer Zero seme on Kaname uke, the princess thing is fun. XD;
(I'm a rare case of a Code Geass fan who mostly got into the series so much more because the situation with Lelouch and Suzaku reminded me of Kaname and Zero. No love triangle, but the sexual tension was exactly how it is in my mind between Zero and Kaname. 8D *is shot*)
On a het viewpoint, are they going for Aidou x Yuuki implications? XD With the mention of two knights? XD XD
Maybe they just meant Zero and Kaname are the knights and Yuuki the princess, and Aidou just happened to be on the pic? ^^;; *is violently shot* XD;;;,
But if it's the case, the pic being of Zero and Aidou makes it definitely confusing. XD;;
If this triangle ever became a square, things would be complicated for Aidou against Kaname & Zero, *lol* XD XD;;; (I actually like Aidou x Yuuki, though it's not a pairing I ship often, due to not having enough time to focus on him usually, with how much Zero and Kaname get all my attention. XD;; )
If Yuuki eloped with Aidou.... 8D *lol* The other two would blow a fuse, but hey... *urge to go write a little yaoi oneshot about the resulting Zero x Kaname as they find comfort in each others arms* XD XD *lol*
On the other side though, on days where they don't feel like having a foursome XD;;; *is shot more* they're all tired of too much action, Zero and Yuuki could have fun by themselves and Aidou and Kaname too, as two pairings...X3 (This order came to mind first because I haven't gotten into Zero x Aidou as a couple, probably because when I see them both my immediate urge is to stick both on Kaname (XD;;) but it would also work while there's KxY too, Zero and Aidou can do stuff also. XD)
The foursome idea actually might work well for them... 8D *fanarting urge* Aidou is adorable enough to be with the trio, and besides it would add variety to the various ways you can arrange the trio. XD XD
I don't think I'd ever actively ship the foursome, but it's an interesting possibility. X3
Sorry that it's not even page 2 yet and the commentary is already infested with depraved porny ramblings. XD;;; *lol*
That's Touma's place, btw. It's a bit of an unexpected chapter opening, no doubt about that. XD XD *lol*
Finally we see the girl up close too. :D
As it had seemed in the chapter we saw her before, she's too young-looking to be his mother, apparently at least. So a sister maybe, or/and perhaps a fiancee? *wants to see more of the Touma clan* :D *curious*
Touma can be scary, but he's also interesting. (The way small animals you find in the forest are. You are curious and want to see them again even if they hissed and bit. XD;;)
This is one of the pages with a line that surprised me, though I think it may also be because Kaname can't really go and openly show care and concern in front of Touma, a potential enemy, since that would only put Yuuki in more risk.
So either he said that of the bitter medicine simply because of his constant fear that something horrible might happen to Yuuki, and resulting hopes that she might realize the dangers of their society and be more careful or something, (or hopefully become stronger before taking bigger risks ^^; *so hopes nothing bad will happen to Yuuki either*), or he might have said it just because it was a way to get Touma to not realize how much Kaname worried for Yuuki, maybe. (Even if going after Touma for having hurt her also gives it away that it matters a lot for him. XD;)
XD;;; And so that people don't have to kill their neck to read the note:
(It's mostly just reminders of the past stuff that happened with the trip and Touma, as well as some stuff about how it was dangerous also for Aidou, and would all have been so much worse if not for Zero having such excellent timing.)
Touma’s attack may have been indeed a blessing in disguise, interrupting the trip before Yuuki met someone far more dangerous. We can only imagine what might have happened if instead of just Touma, Yuuki had gone on and met any pureblood with worse intentions than just giving a warning.
Yuuki has always been protected from everything, and she’s not used to the dangers of vampire society yet. so she doesn’t seem to quite realize yet the extent of the danger that she thrust not only herself into, but even more Aidou, who isn’t a pureblood. An enemy might have easily killed Aidou just for intervening whenever she was threatened, and devoured Yuuki, or badly hurt both.
And more exactly, Yuuki was especially lucky to have Zero appear right then and send Touma away in VK60, Because if you recall, Touma had intended to do a lot more to Yuuki than just what he did... So thanks to Zero's intervention right on time, Yuuki ended up not even too hurt, she just had a few wounds that were healing already then, as she mentioned to Aidou, and that were nothing at all for a pureblood, luckily. ^^/
The result of Yuuki's wounds was just that she was exhausted from the ordeal and the blood loss, but that was fortunately just that, more fright than actual harm.
As for the “young leader” thing, Touma is referring to the fact Kaname was chosen to represent the vampire race, particularly when they negotiated the peace treaty with the hunters.
But as it was mentioned at the ball for the treaty, they weren’t sure everybody would recognize Kaname’s authority though, and Touma, who has called Kaname a brat before, is mocking him by wording the title in a way that drips with sarcasm.
There's a lot of blood, but Touma is a pureblood too, remember. ^^/ There were no anti-vampire weapons involved, and as Kaname said, he'd leave it at that.
So he didn't kill Touma, as some fans thought.
Hopefully Touma was just mouthing off and there won't actually be a war between their clans. ^^;;
He would know well too, how hard it is, to be in love and crave blood so bad, but be unable to take it. ^^;
So... yeah. I think he maybe expected Yuuki to drink from Zero, and was surprised that she actually didn't. It's certainly not something he would enjoy to know happened, but I get the impression he was expecting it would have happened.
If you remember in chapter 60, Kaname watched it from outside the window, and when the window eventually broke it was from inside the room (take a look at chapter 60 and the long discussion on that if you're interested :D), and not from outside in. So it's rather unlikely it could be him who broke it, which makes me wonder if he would have stayed there and just watched over it all if there had been no window breaking... and if Zero and Yuuki had gone all the way... 8D (be it with the bite or... sex. XD XD Although sure, there was a rather inviting bed right there, but I doubt Zero wouldn't notice the bat right by the window before things went that far XD XD *lol*).
After all, in 46 too, Kaname had left them alone and there was the kiss and blood drinking without him coming back to interrupt or anything.
I'd probably get urges for a ton of voyeur-themed threesome fanfiction over all those possibilities, if not for the fact most of the time I lack to patience for that step, I much prefer if they just all fall into bed together. XD XD;;
(Unless it's Zero x Kaname that are already in bed, and Yuuki watches them from afar... but that's just because ZxK is irresistible hotness. XD *lol*)
......somehow, this digressed into past chapters pervy ramblings. XD; *random commentary is so random* XD;;
Bracelet~~!♥ X3
About Yuuki's gasp, in Japanese it was the small っ people make when inhaling and holding a short breath, so it's like making a little noise but not saying anything as it's just an incoherent little sound, hence a gasp or such tiny noise.
It's a sound Hino-sensei has used in other blood drinking scenes before. Yuuki made the same noise in the past with Zero and with Kaname, and Kaname also made the noises each time Yuuki bit him before.<3 Sadly only Shizuka bit Zero so far, so we didn't get Zerogasps in a similar context yet. D:
*sudden nosebleed, mind is now filled with images of Zero biting Kaname instead* XD;;;; *is shot*
(My inevitable thought process, ALWAYS somehow manages to divert back to Zero x Kaname. XD;)
The word in the Japanese version of the line is one that means to feel mortified/vexed as well as angry at yourself for your shortcomings.
Hence the line, maybe not as pretty in English.
To avoid hurting you neck, the note: With the way Kaname’s line about powerlessness was worded, (and also with what we know from the manga), it implies that
he’s commenting on a feeling he knows/feels/has felt too. But because Yuuki doesn’t know yet about Kaname’s past being forcefully awoken by Rido etc., she seems to have thought he was just talking about her powerlessness that made her lose to Touma.
Hence the glare, and Yuuki’s immediate questions on the next page about what she could or
should do and Artemis etc. ^^;/
Obviously, it's Yuuki asking the questions about why he gave her Artemis, not Kaname. *mentions just in case it's not clear* ^^;
ANGST, with capital letters. VK always delivers it. XD;;; When it's not one character it's another, or another, and so on. XD;;;
She's SO ADORABLE when she assumes it's because she's not good enough and starts tearing up. Noooo!!! You cute thing!! ;-; *clings*
Yuuki, you're SO CUTE!!!!! ;_________________________________; Adorable!!
...incidentally: Huh, Yuuki, the man practically licks the ground you step on. What in the world are you thinking when you ask if you're not good enough?! XD
Her lack of confidence in herself is endearing, but so sad. ;-; *pats her* (I suspect it had to do with growing up as a human, since she was constantly living with the idea that because Kaname and her were different, she "wasn't good enough". That was a constant in her mind back then, and well, childhood years sure have an impact on you, regardless of you going back to being a pureblood later. The one year as a pureblood can't undo habits of ten years as a human.... this being said, Kaname too has a tendency to think he's not good enough, so... maybe it's just Hino-sensei that likes to torture her characters with it. XD Zero too being a particularly amazing example of that kind of angst also on so many levels too. ^^;)
In the fanbook, Zero implied that Yuuki was a sadist (due to her comments on his own claim of being a sadist XD), but in those types of scenes I wonder if maybe she's also the way Kaname is after all, both sadistic and masochistic. XD
(Hence why she was saying she'd be willing to be punished, before. Although intimate blood drinking is doubtfully a punishment, of course. XD)
Theories fly even more wild now. XD *lol*
On the other page he said he fears so much that Yuuki might sacrifice her life to try to do something, and on this page he said he doesn't wants to live through that again...so it really feels like such a hint/link between those two statements, although of course, because Hino-sensei is really good at keeping us all guessing and dying to find out what is it exactly, she worded it all in a way that makes it could be what it seems to be indeed hinting at, or it could be something else. So we are as usual at the egde of our seats waiting for the next chapter(s). XD; (I kept it worded in a way just as ambiguous as the original.)
I already mentioned this in my summary, so it's pretty much just repeating it, but in any case, while the theory that Yuuki might be from the past (reborn/reincarnated) does get quite a sudden feeling of "it might indeed turn out to be that!" because of this chapter, it's still of course a theory.
I'd already mentioned that so many times whenever going into theories etc., but I thought I'd point out yet again just in case that all theories are still theories until we know for sure in the manga.
For example, people spent ages saying it was certain fact that the ancestor had his soul removed from his body and was put into the body of the child, even though that was not true, it's just a 100% made up fan idea.
As of now, we still don't know whatever happened to what might have been left of the baby's remains, but that theory's likelihood seems more and more slim after what happened in this chapter. It's still a theory, but it was never fact, as of now at least.
So yeah, theories are wonderful and so much fun, and when the manga gives interesting hints it's impossible not to theorize, but please don't forget that theories are just theories until stuff is revealed in the actual manga.
And also please remember that I'm always mentioning that those are theories, just possibilities. If someone reads it all and still goes around saying a theory is a fact, it's certainly not my fault. ^^;
And on the subject of theories, a little personal one which I know is rather unlikely, but would be awesome if it turns out to actually happen somehow. :D
Because of the Kaname's fears of Yuuki trying to do something by sacrificing her life and then it all being in vain, it makes me wonder if maybe the theory that all three of them are from the past could possibly turn out true, and past!Yuuki was already with ancestor!Kaname but maybe gave her life to turn past!Zero human? X3 (All three already in atriangle then maybe.)
It's just a random theory fueled by the OT3 love. XD
It would make total sense with the whole thing of Kaname clinging to her afraid of her losing her life again, and the stuff about his fear of her sacrificing herself to change something that wouldn't work. (After all, Zero is a vampire now, so... if he was originally a pureblood turned human, and then reincarnated now just to end up turned back into a vampire by Shizuka, and end up as powerful as a pureblood again due to how destiny is crazy... then indeed the sacrifice was for nothing since he's more or less back to it all.
If the Zero in the past started the hunters, then it would also make sense if Zero had been a pureblood before, because a born-human might not have had the instinct to eat the ancestor to give the hunters power. Ichiru only did such things because Shizuka had taught him. So... maybe Zero past incarnation was originally also a pureblood. XD It would be a lot of fun if it turned out that it was the case and all the main trio was that way all together. XD)
Except that current Zero will certainly blow a fuse if it turns out he was a pureblood in the past. XD;;
Like I said, this little thing of the three possibly being from the past is just theory of course. (Fanfic-urge-induced one too. XD *lol*)
But it would make some sense, and if it turns out it's true and they were already in a love triangle then, the threesome fan here will be so happy. XD<33333333333 *ships the trio like whoa* (Though I'd want them happily together, rather than torn by a love triangle of course. X3)
Yuuki's teary smile while caressing Kaname's face is ADORABLE. ;-; *clings to her cuteness*
That promise that she won't die on him is adorable too!! X3 He's too in despair and angst to be easily reassured, but hopefully it might help anyway. ^^; (I think he also has that belief that she'll dump him sooner or later, so even if she promises that, it can't fully reassure him. ^^;)
The scary moment for Kaname has come. ...(I have vague urges to draw a parody thingie with Kaname trying to confess about not being the brother in several occasions etc., but Yuuki somehow misunderstands him each time. XD; Not to mock her, but because it would be cute and funny. X3 *finds her occasional cluelessness somewhat cute. X3)
Adorable AND perceptive. :D (Even if vaguely clueless wondering why he'd say it. XD;)
Aww... there are tiny details that are so cute, like him coping with the angst by pulling closer/rubbing his face on her head.<333
She had smelled his scent coming from that room before. The scent of his blood most likely, since it was, when she was hungry and wandered there by accident.
;____; ♥ *clings*
That's Rido with the creepy smile, btw. XD As the memories flow in.
I wonder if Yuuki remembering herself as a human in the scene when she was asking Kaname to tell her everything, means that she finally realizes that what he was talking about then, his biggest fear of opening up and having her hate him, was actually about this. Not the fact she was a pureblood and they were supposedly siblings, but that the actual secret he was so afraid of revealing would be that he's not her real brother. He said he feared so much that she'd hate him when she knew. (Especially since he was the replacement for her real brother that died, even if that was Rido's doing. Rido still did it to force the ancestor awake, so it wouldn't be surprising if Kaname felt guilty for having lived when the child died, and for being alive through that sacrifice and unable to definitely end the carnage Rido does all around. ^^;)
And about the note, 分かってあげられる, "to be able to understand something for someone's sake/for them" "to provide/give that understanding to someone".
There are verbs in Japanese that you add to another verb to add the meaning or "doing something for someone", and that are very convenient for such nuances, but that produce stuff that sounds somewhat weird in English if it's translated word by word. XD; *lol*
Like "understanding something for someone", to give them your understanding/comprehension and resulting acceptance.
It's a beautiful image, for someone to want to understand someone to better know and care for them. :D
Incidentally, despite it being shojo manga and usually heroines having more heartbeating moments, VK is a case where the guys get to have nice heartbeat sound moments too. X3
Those heartbeats are Kaname's. (And we see the same ones the same way some pages later when the ancestor comes back "to life" from his deep slumber and his heart seems to first start to beat again.)
Also incidentally, with the way Hino-sensei has been mirrorring the first and second arcs, and doing that sort of a role switch between Zero and Kaname stuff, I wonder if this is the arc 2 equivalent of the moment in arc 1 when Zero's secret of being a vampire was revealed and Yuuki's reaction was not to feel angry because she wasn't told anything, like another person might have felt, but instead to adorably understand that he couldn't just tell it easily or accept it easily himself either, and instead she felt so bad for Zero and was shocked at herself for him having suffered without her knowing. <3 (Yuuki manages to always feel guilty for stuff she didn't know about, and that thus is totally not her fault. XD; But it's because she's so caring with her loved ones, and so she feels so adorably concerned. X3)
Her reaction to Kaname too, (of being shocked that she hadn't realized about all this and that he had to go through it alone, her regret at having failed to comprehend him/know about this all sooner), is definitely so Yuuki and so adorable. X3♥
She's a very gentle nature, vampire or not. The return to her original race didn't change anything in how she is in her heart and with how much she cares for her loved ones.<3
(Because luckily, there are purebloods and purebloods. XD;; *is glad not everybody goes at it the Rido way, from the way this chapter went* ^^;)
Weird bending over pose, Rido. O_o (It was less noticeable in the magazine due to the spine between the pages, but flat it looks a bit painful.)
Useful info to add to list of known tidbits: Eating shrivelled old flesh asleep/not-currently-quite-normally-alive doesn't give you power. The victim has to be alive/conscious for it to count. As to why... (*cough*aside from the sadism of the plot*cough* XD;), maybe either because of the blood having to be flowing more or something?
Or simply because of the whole aspect of "devouring" not just the body but the life as well, which apparently doens't work if the victim is in deep slumber, hence the need to awaken them.
Horribly creepy, but has potential for COUNTLESS hardcore Rido x Kaname kinky fics. (Once I'm done panicking over the whole situation and how shocking the stuff with baby Kana-tan is. AHH, RIDO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! IT'S A BABY. ;0; NOT A PIECE OF BACON.)
Incidentally, he apparently just got tempted to awaken and devour the ancestor after having the idea due to the baby name...?!! Not before...?! XD;;; I always expected Rido would have had a more elaborate plan than that. ^^;
But this matches more Sara's description of him, just doing reckless crazy stuff for the hell of it because he wants a challenge for fun. XD; The search for additional power, or creating a mess for anyone who crosses his path, might have been just icing on the cake in his path. ^^;
(Although it might also be that he sort of had a general idea of the plan at some point or another, and it was just on the backburner by lack of victims easy to catch and to sacrifice, but he must have considered the option at some point, since he knew how to do it and all. Maybe it's just common knowledge that the ancestor sleeps in the bowels of the manor, but still... Rido must have looked into it all at some point. ^^;
The baby was maybe just the catalyst once he decided to eat him and then realized he could instead make it all even more horrible and also having two victims instead of one, sacrificing the baby to awaken Kaname and then devouring Kaname. ^^;; *shudders*)
I'm torn between the gentle side of me that's rocking back and forth whimpering "baby haaaand ;-; poor little kana-tan hand!!", and the tentacle-monster part of me that's on a yaoi cloud chanting "RIDO SAID HE WANTED TO DEVOUR KANAME. *nosebleed volcano*"
No, my mind never goes to the gutter. It can't "go there", because the gutter is it's normal habitat, it never leaves it. XD;;;;
I'll block the images of the poor baby from my mind, and just draw Rido x Kaname like whoa. 8D (Once I have a moment... XD;;;)
I did draw some pic of the council doing Kaname some time before too, but didn't get to post here yet. You might have seen if you're in the Japanese VK fandom. I'll post here and on my site sometime.
Early on the page, Rido seems to have had a moment of "Oh shi-", from the displeased look on his face (it was more "how dare you?" than "oh shi-", though XD XD)just before he was reassured by seeing that the ancestor couldn't strangle him. XD
The laughter is Rido, btw. The flesh healing noises are the ancestor, whose flesh we see healing quickly right beneath our eyes (well, we might not have noticed without the helpful noise-explanation, but yes XD XD), due to the blood etc. that Rido forced into him and that awakened him.
And because of what Rido is now that he awakened Kaname, the ancestor is trying and failing to strangle him, which prompts Rido to laugh.
I found it interesting how Hino-sensei had Kaname lunge to try and strangle Rido right as he became conscious, just when his heart started to beat again or an instant before. It started then, on that page, with a hiccup of sorts on the first heartbeat. :D (ドクンッ)
So I guess that in vampire deep slumber, all your organs stop? (Or maybe are so slowed down that the activity is not noticeable/very significant?)
It's seems a bit like they're suspended as if frozen in time until they awaken again and go back to functioning etc. again, perhaps.
This all fascinates me, due to my fanfiction obsession. XD;; (Fanfics and fanarts and other similar related stuff are what I enjoy the most with fandom activities. X3 Because they're the very link between all out ideas and fangirling and love, and the series itself. It's like... the lovechild of our brains with the series. 8D *disturbing imagery ftw* XD;;;)
Ancestor DOES NOT WANT Rido raping him being devoured. XD;;;
That's what you get for pulling out the bondagey talk on him without warning, Rido. XD XD Tie the victim down first, next time. XD;;;
The word Rido used, truly means owner/master. 8D *fanservice nosebleed forever*
It's also the same word used for someone who owns an animal, or is a master or all sorts of other things. (Yes. Bondage master x slave / owner x slave as well. I swear. *violent nosebleed explosion of happiness over this whole chapter* XD
(Well, the word is a perfectly normal term for master as well, and which is used for other things than bondage, innocent things as well, but...........seeing my thing for yaoi it doesn't surprises you that I would be happy to point out precisely the fact the word is also used for bondage, do you? XD XD *lol* Especially when it concerns a super fanservicey line between Rido x Kaname. XD XD))
Hino-sensei... THE FANSERVICE. WE ALL THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 8DDDDDDDD *explodes on a cloud of happiness and basks in all the porny mind-images*
Incidentally, if I had a coffin and planned to go into pureblood!deep!slumber, I'd SO BARRICADE THE CRAP OUT OF THE PLACE. D: D: From the inside, seriously. And have locks inside. XD XD There's not enough locks in the world, if there's people like Rido roaming around poor unuspectic crypts. XD;;;
Incidentally "I own you/I'm your owner/I'm your master" ---> BRB, NOSEBLEEDING UNTIL THE END OF THE WORLD. OMG THE YAOI HAPPINESS IS ENDLESS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!! (I'm still under the effect of that page. I have this bursting yaoi explosion of happiness happen every few moments. XD;;;)
Rido was calling Kaname "kisama" (it's an offensive term for "you", frequently used as equivalent for many common insults. It has many possible translations depending on context etc.), and you have no idea how tempting it was to translate "kisama" as "...bitch" or something like that. XD *rotfl* It would have worked fine on the insult level, technically, but it's so not the type of vocabulary that matches the series, so... the word was not used to not clash with the usual speech style of the series. XD; *just worded it insultingly with 'filthy' etc. as needed to fit the type of speech Rido was using*
In fanfic on the other hand, yuuum... *is shot* XD;; *urges to write a very dominant Rido x a helpless ancestor, and basically all that might have happened if not for the ancestor getting to bite Rido. (Except for Rido devouring him, of course. XD; *must figure out a way out of it for him, like J&H finding them or something*)
If you can't kill it, bite it. XD After all, Rido was going to devour you anyway... XD;;
That might be how they were able to catch Rido, btw. ^^/
Because we know he was imprisoned for a while up until he went after Yuuki & co. for the first time, so it might have been after this, and he could be caught because he was weakened by the ancestor drinking.
I SOOOO wish we'd have gotten a frontal sight. ;-; Because see, if he's been in the coffin for so long that the trenchcoat, by definition more sturdy and resistant, has started to deteriorate on the sleeves like that (unless it was torn from the start XD;), then the thinner inner clothes must be gone or at least very messed up and tattered too. Kaname is healing fast, at one point or another there will be a spectacular sight once the tattered clothes reveal his naked body beneath. 8DDDD
Come to think of it, when they were face to face and when they fell............... Kaname was in torn up clothes in direct contact with Rido. Who wanted to devour him and spoke of owning him and of him being obedient and letting him do what he wanted........... WHEEE YAOI PARADISE OF POSSBILITIES, I LOVE YOU, HINO-SENSEI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!! 8DDDDDDD
XDDD *will never get tired of this wonderful flashback*
(Err, not wonderful for the baby. ^^;; But once we overcome the gruesome part and move to the suggestive stuff, err, to the serious and totally non deliciously porny-inducing situation, *cough* yeah, sure *cough* 8D)
Please buy the books~! ♥\^-^/
EPIC TEASER IS EPIC. *___* And so big this month!!
That pic is one of the most sensual poses in preview pics we've seen. O_O At least in a while!!
It's seriously oozing sensuality!! (Kaname + closed eyes + utterly uke pose surrenderring himself completely in someone arms = WILL FUEL MY PORNY MIND-IMAGES SO MUCH. 8D ...mostly for Zero x Kaname. Sorry lovely Yuuki. XD;;; *is shot*
But Yuuki looks so hot in this pic that it will inevitably also generate much Threesome and KxY mind-images. *___*<33333333333 *clings to that pic*)
Yuuki's sexy side-glance~~~ XD *drools*
Also, that pic is so begging to be made into icons, profile banner thingies and so on. 8D
Well, this was my first impression for the pic... already, it was hot and the image of Kaname so vulnerable and with his eyes closed and all is utterly irresistible and totally the type of thing that makes me go wild for the characters...
Then, I took a closer look, and a realization, something huge suddenly hit me.... 8D
First off, KANAME'S SHIRT. *___* It's open!!
And now, epic moment #2, which may be accidental on Hino-sensei's part, buuuut.... Yeah right. XD *LOL* It's even more epic if it's not just an innocent accident, and I doubt it was all that innocent. XD (When is anything ever innocent, especially with someone so skilled at giving us tons of fanservice? X3)
Look at Yuuki's left arm, where it is. Not the one on our left, but her left arm. 8D
Kaname's shirt is open, and Yuuki's arm, and subsequently hand...disappears down his body in the direction of...Yes, you're not imagining things, it's a rather interesting position!! 8DDDDDDD *happiness at pervy fanservice* XD XD
...*stares at the pic looking for extra details* *-*
...To the upper left of the "S" part of "scans" in the signature, you can see a little line... it's on Kaname's chest, between his pectorals... 8D~~~ (It's slightly more visible in the magazine than the scan, hence how I noticed)
I wish we could se more! 8DDD And I wish SO MUCH that we could have a teaser like that with Kaname and Zero someday... *-* Zero, falling off his trenchcoat... Kaname and Zero, falling over each other (it's a teaser pic, so its purpose in its pic-life is to entice us and look sexy so we buy more magazines, hahaha~ XD So they can totally fall off their clothes near/over each other... 8D *has happy yaoi dreams* Well, okay, the nakedness rolling over each other is rather unlikely, but a fan can dream. XD XD)
I weep that I wasn't in the fandom yet early in the series, because I wonder if we ever missed any teaser etc. pics that didn't get reused in the books. (They're usually put in between chapters in the books).
Particularly, I'm thinking of the period at school, around volume 2 or so, and the likelihood that there might also have been fanservicey Zeki pics around the time where Yuuki had the idea to strip suddenly in the bathroom XD give Zero her blood. *-*
And so many other fanservice worthy moments in the series. OMG, the ZxK bite... *___* I wonder if it ever had a teaser, and what it looked like!! *___________*
Hopefully whatever pics might not have made their way to the books might still be used in the artbook! :D
Not only the teaser pic was big this month, but there are two teasers due to the presence of a back cover teaser also! (Next month VK is on the cover of LaLa. ♥) :D<3
"Meanwhile, on the hunter side, Zero is"..... also moved by Kaname's words...? 8D *is shot* XD
It would make my day if it was that, hahaha!! XD *loves chapter 61 but would love if even more if Zero comes join them soon* X3 *immense urge for hardcore Rido x Kaname + Zero x Kaname fic* (I love Hurt/Comfort fanfiction: Rido provides the hurt, Zero provides the comfort, and all is yaoishly delicious. 8D~~~~)
From the way the chapter ends (with Kaname asking to make sure Yuuki can see well the memories, which makes me wonder if he'll show more also) + the text in each of the two teaser pics... and of course, ignoring the fact that the little blurb with the teasers constantly toys with us just to keep people really waiting for the magazine (XD;;; *lol* It's not quite toying with us, I say that as a joke, but... they're very approximative, either for advertisement purposes or because it's an editorial thingie rather than a line made by Hino-sensei, so it's vaguely paraphrased and vaguely decorative. XD;
Like when they said Zero and Kaname would fight to the death in the school around volume 10.... I sure am glad it was a huge exageration and no one died. XD;)
...but yeah, that aside, taking the end of the chapter + those two blurbs, we can maybe have a chapter about Kaname's past next, with hopefully also a part about Zero (unless they just mentioned him so that his fans wouldn't skip buying next month ^^;;), and possibly something with Yuuki about the emotion.
Unless the blurb is totally out of it and what really gets to Yuuki is the shock of the death of the baby, but... still, I don't think she'd drop Kaname like a rock suddenly because of something Rido is guilty of, instead of Kaname.
Especially after all the warmth and caring she displayed in this chapter. It would be OOC like whoa also, considering how caring Yuuki is. Her knowing he's not her brother is unlikely to make her drop him like a rock.
This terrible secret that Kaname build up courage to tell Yuuki during so terribly long... Zero has known this for a year. XD (I've always found this fascinating, how Kaname has that tendency to confide in Zero. Probably because he doesn't fears Zero's judgement, while the idea that Yuuki might be angry at him horrifies him. XD; But whatever is the reason for his to be more easily open to him, I really love that resulting strange intimacy of sorts/occasional confident link between Kaname and Zero. XD (Even if Zero doesn't confides back. XD; But it's okay, it's not really his type. XD;))
Plus, my favorite role for Zero in yaoi fanficstuff is the strong + protective/supportive person, so it's perfect to hold the other gently and listen to their secrets while reassuring them... 8D *slides off into yaoiland again* XD;;;
I SO hope the artbook will have countless new pics also. *___* <--*dream on* XD;;; (Probably will be mostly stuff we've already seen, + some surprises, I'd guess.)
Or at least, many that we might not have seen before. X3 Like pics done for cards and contests and other LaLa stuff that pretty much disappears once it's over.
For example, there's one pic of Zero and Kaname looking fanservicey with blood (sadly, clothed XD) that Hino-sensei did for a telephone card earlier in the series, and it was never seen again elsewhere. *intends to buy that rare card one day, when she finally finds it for a decent price* XD;
And in the VK schedule book that came out some time ago (and of which I still didn't get to take pics, sorry!! ^^;;;), among the many pics here and there, there was one of Kaname with his hair pulled back a bit and tied in a tiny ponytail... the style was also from early in the series, and I never saw that pic anywhere else. *will scan sometime, so hopes that the artbook has the full size of it* :D
Speaking of previews, the info/releases-advertisement page of the chapter this month had some mini thumbnails of stuff from the artbook, but no indication of what will be the artbook cover yet.
Of the pics in the thumbnail, one is one I don't remember seeing before. In the normal-page-size version it's hard to see, so I saved also a larger thumbnail to show you, but... it's hardly any better, due to the printing of small stuff on Lala. XD;; *lol*
Those are very small thumbnails, so with that type of magazine printing, it's very hard to see even scanned at 1200 dpi. XD; *lol*
For whatever it may be worth... XD Here:
Looks like Haruka or Kaname... unless it's maybe Rido?
The girl seems to be either Yuuki or Juri. XD;; It's so hard to see.
They'll most likely show more stuff about the artbook as the release date approaches, (LaLa always does those things for the releases of stuff from their series :D), so we'll probably have other teasers to nibble on while we wait for the book. XD
The artbook is not yet ready to pre-order in places like Amazon etc., but Hakusensha (publisher of Lala/VK),
has it already on their site since they're the publisher of that book too.
I'm not sure when various places will open preorders, but I'll keep an eye and let you know how to order it when there are places. :D
Meanwhile, if you have a local bookstore that imports Japanese books etc. here's the ISBN code for the VK artbook, 9784592732594, so that you can place orders of it. :D
Unrelated to the scanlation, but here, have also
a short but so lovely AMV of the ancestor/this chapter~! :D (It's not made by me, btw. I just love it and wanted to link to it in case others like it too. X3)
Please, don't forget to buy your local official releases of the VK manga and anime! :D
(Don't fall for the bootlegs, the anime pirated DVDs are so often made with stolen subs AND are generally of horrible quality. Please make sure to only buy the official DVDs and books, otherwise you're not supporting VK since the money goes to bootleggers instead of to the author etc. ^^;;;)
It's important. D: Any series dies without support, and VK may be popular, but it's popular for a shojo manga series, which means not that much compared to big shonen manga blockbusters. We have to support the series we love, as all series die without support. ^^;/
And that's it for this month~~! :D *hopes you enjoyed the chapter* ♥