I didn't get to go out hunt for an early LaLa yet, but a kind VK fan from Tokyo got the magazine extremely early, scanned the raw chapter and passed by to post it here~! ♥♥♥
You can get find it
here in her comment in my previous post. :D
(There's a download link as well.)
Since then it's already been taken and reposted elsewhere, but it was originally scanned by the person in the link above, and posted here yesterday.
And as usual, I wrote a summary with what is being said in the chapter~! ^_^/
I'm in the middle of work deadlines and can't stay for very long, but that way at least you can get an idea of what's being said in the chapter. I'll try and drop by again later. :D
I also wanted to post the summary fast because lately the fandom has gone more and more into such a pit of pairing-hatred and character bashing that if there's a chapter with no summary for a bit, all sorts of untrue and bashing rumors start to spread like the plague. ^^;;; (Last month was particularly odd. T_T)
*has come to have a rather bleak outlook over this whole depressing situation, after seeing so many incidents like that over time, from both sides of the fandom*
Sadly, there's only one page with Zero in the chapter. T^T *has her hopes of Zero x Kaname fanservice dashed yet again* ^^;;
But Kaname fans and KxY fans have a lot to fangirl for because the chapter is quite amazing. So at least that! ♥
And just to repeat it for the newcomers who come by and flame without knowing, when they see people fangirling pairings they dislike:
I ship primarily Zero x Kaname, and secondarily the trio in a threesome and separately as Yuuki with either and/or both of the guys.
So if you see me in any of my posts fangirling any of the pairings, be it Zero x Kaname, KxY and/or ZxY, or any of the ones I ship also but less than pairings between the main trio, please have the decency to not flame me for it. It's getting more and more tiresome to deal with this sort of nonsense.
I always push myself so much for the fandom even when busy with RL/work, and I'm fed up that so many people can't respect anyone or anything and who bash characters or pairings left-and-right and flame people for reasons as stupid as "how dare you like a pairing I dislike" or "you can't possibly like both Kaname and Zero, you must either hate one and love the other or be a liar if you claim you love both"....
FYI, I love both. And so do many of the other fans.
So if your life is filled with hatred and you can't stand the idea that some people enjoy a peaceful fandom and dislike bashing and flaming, please somehow live with it and leave us in peace. D:<
*has been feeling rather down fandom-wise and not much like posting due to so much depressing stuff like people bashing etc. and the more and more frequent fanart-theft etc. lately* (It's bad enough when it's people stealing my art and trying to sell it, but when I see such things happen to artists I like and/or know, it hurts even more. ;_;)
All those things considerably reduce any enjoyment to be had with fandom, and make posting sometimes a burden rather than the enjoyable thing it should be. ^^;;
With this cry-from-the-heart done and out of the way, I can proceed to the summary and hope to enjoy the chapter without people bashing any of the characters or anything. ^^;;
The chapter cover opens with a gorgeous image of Zero looking sexy. *-* And Aidou too, but I noticed him only after a while of staring at Zero. XD;;; *is shot* Sorry Aidou!! XD;; I love you too, but, uhm, less. XD;;
I probably would find the cover rather shippable if I was into Zero x Aidou, but all I can think of seeing it is Zero x Kaname. 8D;; *urge to put Aidou with Yuuki so that Z&K can be together, dodges rocks from fans of both of her other two main pairings, and ignores the fact both Z&K would probably go after Aidou if he eloped with Yuuki* XD
I'm torn between loving the cover page for its beauty or viewing it as false advertisement because Zero wasn't in the rest of the chapter. XD;;; *weeps at his absence*
But at least we got a chapter last month with lots of Zero in absolutely epic scenes, and so it's also great to see Kaname this month, especially looking more like himself. ♥ (Kaname had some periods where his drawing was having ups and downs... probably because he's the hardest to draw of them and most time consuming, according to Hino-sensei, and she recently hired some new assistants, so... maybe there was a bit of a buffer period between before and now. It might explain why there were so few screentones in some chapters lately, and why Hino-sensei actually forgot Zero's tattoo for so long. ^^;;;;)
Zero's tattoo is back, btw, in all its glorious hotness. XD
The page with him was brief, but it was definitely examined in delighted detail. XD XD *drooled about his long-jacket-wearing sexiness* 8D (Only Zero + trenchcoat is hotter than Zero + long jacket. XD *fetish with his clothing* XD)
So yeah, the tragic lack of ZxK yaoi (XD *is shot*) Zero aside, the rest of the chapter was still extremely full of moe, so I'll just fangirl it and cross my fingers for a lot of both Kaname and Zero in the next chapter. X3
Plus, Hino-sensei seems to be balancing things by giving us sexy ZxY scene last time, and sexy KxY scene this time. X3 *adores the threesome, is happy to have at least fanservice for them with Yuuki, if not for Z & K together* XD
The chapter opens with Kaname beating up Touma. Touma is his usual self and is grinning with that amused look despite bleeding, and also claims Kaname's direct attack is a declaration of war.
Although we don't know if it will really end in war betweent he clans or not. ^^; *hopes not*
Kaname was angry that Touma made Yuuki suffer, and he hurt him back, but also said he'd leave it at that only.
All in all, Yuuki wasn't badly wounded by Touma at all, and considering that even Kaien expected someone to behead her along the road or something, she came out rather fine.
If anything, it was maybe better that Touma gave her that warning earlier on, instead of someone more dangerous than him, so that she fully realizes that going like this after all the pureblood clans is a very dangerous thing for herself. So maybe it was positive that she got a bit wounded by Touma after all. ^^;
But Kaname is prone to lose it if Yuuki gets even a little scratch, so it's no wonder things ended up violent with Touma. XD;;; *can only hope the Kuran clan and the Touma clan won't be at war, but wants to write fanfiction about it and has been dreaming plot ideas ever since reading the chapter* 8D)
Back to the Kuran manor, we see that things are as steamy as they were by the end of the last chapter, except that there's no punishment like Yuuki thought she might get for doing all the dangerous stuff etc... instead, it's pure sexy fanservice and fluffy scene between them!! XD
Well, fluffy due to the contact and caresses and intimate blood-drinking stuff, even if not as fluffy for the dramatic conversation about the past etc. XD;
(I recall we were all wondering last time, if there would be anything or not, since it's always Aidou getting in trouble whenever Yuuki does something, and never her... well, maybe that's why Aidou isn't back home yet just in case, hahaha! XD)
Instead, we are greeted by a steamy scene on the bed, with Kaname visibly having missed Yuuki and now drinking from her. (Yes, that means more fanservice-y blushing Yuuki panting etc. 8D *is finding Yuuki more and more sexy, usually focuses mostly on K&Z, but finds Yuuki so utterly hot lately, especially since chapter 60, and now 61 too* X3)
Sure, there's blood, but they're both vampires, so I really hope the fanservicey-scene won't be twisted by people intending to use it for character bashing.
Please actually read the manga, and if you hate certain scenes, focus on the scenes with the characters you enjoy instead of trashing the scenes with other pairings.
Besides, you can see Yuuki caressing Kaname's face, caressing his arm, trying to console him, and the two of them talking to each other about various things while he's drinking her blood etc., so please don't try and make it sound like he's some monster brutalizing her or whatever nonsense like that. >:(
Remember how Zero was when he'd drink from her in past volumes (hotness too!! 8D), and please be fair to them both. She loves them both, so please don't try and make it sound like either of the guys is some rough monster or whatever.
Some people think they can bash one character to hell but not get their own favorite bashed, instead of realizing that their bashing encourages yet other people to bash back. I just wish both sides understood that bashing sucks for all involved, and that they would instead focus on their love for whichever is their favorite pairing/character/whatever.
I love both Zero & Kaname and so the bashing is twice more painful because I suffer from both sides. -_-;
And not just me, because I'm sure a lot more people like them both and also get their fandom experience ruined by this constant kindergarten guerilla going on between the bashers. ^^;;;
Back to the chapter, Kaname and Yuuki finally get to have a more in-depth talk. Kaname is being really desperate in his views that no matter what you do, it's always for nothing when you try to change things.
He can tell (and mentions to her) that she's annoyed at herself for not having more power than she does (the way he said it is interesting, because it wasn't a mere statement of knowing she felt that way, it implied he knows the feeling of powerlessness and that anger at yourself over it too... (though from the look Yuuki had she might not have grasped the implication, especially since her image of him is of him being so powerful)), and he's terribly afraid that Yuuki might go on trying to change the world and might die because of that.
Yuuki asks him why he gave her the Artemis, and what he expects her to become or achieve, but Kaname explains that he just wants her to be herself. He says he gave her back the Artemis so that she could try what she wanted and see for herself that things in the world can't be changed.
Because of the way he keeps talking about everything so desperately and about losing her etc., Yuuki thinks back of them as little kids, and her telling Kaname that when they grow up they'd be like their parents. (In the anime they had Kaname being the one saying that, but in here it's Yuuki's mouth open speaking. I find it so cute that this way both made the promise. X3)
Yuuki thinks it's what's worrying Kaname, and that he fears they'll be like the parents and die trying to change things or that she'll sacrifice herself or something or that he means that Juri and Haruka died for nothing since Rido still came after them and messed things up etc.
(One can marvel at how Kaname puts so much dedication into the coexistence movement despite his underlining despair and belief that things can't be changed. Unless maybe it's simply because he thinks it's worth risking himself to try to change things, but doesn't wants Yuuki to be the one in danger trying to do it? I'd think it's quite probably it. ^^/)
There's also another flashback of them when kids, with little Kaname reverentially kissing the hand of an even littler little Yuuki. XD<333333333333333 *melts*
She asks him if he thinks their parents died for nothing, but Kaname says he wasn't talking about them, but of his terror of Yuuki sacrificing herself for some cause and dying. And he says he couldn't stand to live through that a second time! O_O
That's quite an amazing line that will make people's theories go wild. XD I certainly stared at the page with huge eyes when he said that. XDD
Until now, we'd all considered the Yuuki-is-someone-who-died-before-and-reincarnated theory just some random possibility like so many others, something that would be fun if it's true (I personally would love if it turns out all three of them actually were from the past :D Especially if we get a flashback chapter about their past incarnations or something X3), but with this chapter, I start to wonder if it might indeed turn out to be for real and not a mere fans' theory. :DDDDDD
It's Hino-sensei, so you know her, as usual she made it cryptic and cut things right there to leave us wondering and running in circles right after dropping that bomb of a line. XD *lol*
But still, with that line alone, it's epic already. XD The likelihood that the theory might be true seems far higher now. :D
Yuuki also still managed to have a moment of angst earlier in, where she asked him if she wasn't good enough and that's why he still angsts so much. XD XD;;;
It's the page where Yuuki gets tears in her eyes and looks all sad, it's when she's asking if she's not good enough.
(She always had issues with thinking poorly of herself, although Kaname does too, so it might be a Kuran thing? XD; In Yuuki's case it was also worse some chapters ago because of her feeling guilty about loving them both and thus not being able to give her whole heart.)
Then Kaname explained about how the despair is actually because of his fear of her dying, so hopefully that will reassure Yuuki away from thinking that it's something wrong with her. ^^/
Earlier in the chapter, Kaname also praised Yuuki for having managed to resist the urge to take Zero's blood. (He'd know well how hard it is too, having spent 10 years starved for Yuuki's blood and having to hold back. ^^;
Incidentally, note how it's so totally the opposite of what so many bashers had implied about how he would be furious for her-pseudo adultery urges or whatever. XD He's as much at Yuuki's feet as ever.<3)
I so wish she hadn't resisted that urge to bite Zero, btw. XD *wants steamy blood-drinking scenes in each chapter, ideally with all the pairings*
(They'd all have to spend the entire chapters being fanservicey for me to be all happy, hahaha~ *is shot* XD;;)
But it's probably best if the bite finally happens when Zero is more peaceful, because considering how things went in VK60, right now would unfortunately not be an easy moment for them to have it happen ideally. ^^;;;;; *hopes Zero will somehow get back closer soon and not go on on this current path* ^^;;
But back to VK61, before I end up rambling about VK60 instead... XD;;
So, the epic line... :D You'll see more in detal what I mean when you read the chapter, because the whole conversation leads to it, but from the way he said it, his fears of Yuuki trying to do something by sacrificing her life and then it all being in vain, it makes me wonder if maybe the theory that all three is from the past is true, and past!Yuuki was already with ancestor!Kaname but maybe gave her life to turn past!Zero human?
Because it would make total sense with the whole thing of Kaname clinging to her afraid of her losing her life again, and the stuff about his fear of her secrificing it to change something that wouldn't work. (After all, Zero is a vampire now, so... if he was originally a pureblood turned human, and then reincarnated now just to end up turned back into a vampire by Shizuka, and end up as powerful as a pureblood again due to how destiny is so crazy... then indeed the sacrifice was for nothing since he's more or less back to it all. Except that current Zero will certainly blow a fuse if it turns out he was a pureblood in the past. XD;;
It would also make sense if Zero had been a pureblood before, for the instincts and for him knowing to devour the ancestor to give the hunters power, something a human would really not come to naturally. Ichiru only did such things because Shizuka had taught him. So... maybe Zero past incarnation was originall also a pureblood.)
Like I said, this little thing of the three possibly being from the past is just theory of course.
But it would make total sense, and if it turns out it's true and they were already in a love triangle then, the threesome fan here will be so happy. XD<33333333333 *ships the trio like whoa* (Though I'd want them happily together, rather than torn by a love triangle of course. X3)
Please don't be angry for my rambling. ^^;; *loves the trio and can't help talking about them on and on*
Back to the chapter, whether the theories about the past have any basis or not, the scene is very touching and Kaname's depression over the idea of Yuuki dying is beautiful and so angsty. X3 ♥
Yuuki caresses Kaname's face and arm, promising that she won't die, and is asking him that he stops being so desperate.
Kaname finally gets the courage to do it and confesses to her that he's not her brother.
Yuuki doesn't gets it. XD *lol* She asks him why he's saying that and all, so Kaname picks her up bridal style and carries her to the ancestor chamber to show her and tell her everything about himself.
She's weakened so he lays her down on the coffin top and explains that he spent ages in that coffin, wishing to become dust, and unable to finally get death as he wanted. (So at least now we know what Rido meant by the thing Kaname wished for while he was in the coffin maybe?)
Yuuki's eyes go wide open looking shocked when he explains he spent all this time waiting for death. Kaname says he'd "thought his long trip had finally reached an end but-", and Yuuki clings to his sleeve, but it seems she doesn't yet realizes fully the meaning of what he's saying, or at least Kaname says she's making a face like she doesn't quite gets it. XD
He asks her if she wants to drink now, and offers her his neck.
As Yuuki bites him, she sees his memories, of Rido saying he'd awaken him (the ancestor) to make Kaname his prey to earn the ultimate power, memories of Rido sacrificing the baby also named Kaname, memories of Rido taunting the ancestor about being his master now that he'd awakened him... and then Rido's plans backfiring as the ancestor attacked him back and bit him instead, but still succumbed to Rido's thing of becoming his master.
More in detail:
Rido in the memories explained that he'd kidnapped the baby and was going to devour him, but then decided that it would be a waste to do this so hastily and just eat a little baby, and decided instead to sacrifice the baby to awaken Kaname and have a much more powerful prey instead.
We see the bloodied chubby little hand of the infant in Rido's hand. ;_;
(The term used for the baby is a term in Japanese for babies anywhere from unborn/embryo stage up until not big enough to walk yet/under one year, so not a toddler yet. And indeed, the hand is really tiny, maybe a newborn or not very old anyway. ;-;
Maybe "baby" has the same meaning in English? I just thought I'd mention in case the word doesn't carries the same very-young-age-range subtleties in English.)
Right as Rido is looking cruelly amused as he does the forced awakening using not only the blood but even the flesh itself of the baby (we are spared the gruesomeness, but Rido does mentions the baby's soft flesh being fed as well as the blood! DX), ancestor!Kaname awakens and lunges for Rido, trying to strangle him!! :DD
(Well, lunges or flips over the side of the coffin, as we can't see if he really had the strength to jump there, but in his attack they both tumbled down to the ground over the side of the coffin.)
As I'd mentioned that we could already see in the chapter where we got a glimpse of the ancestor in the coffin during the awakening, Kaname's body is very deteriorated, either by the time spent sleep, or because of damage received prior to his slumber maybe.
Whatever is is that caused the damage, his flesh is dried up or something, although he's got long hair very similar to that of Yuuki, and it covers his face (and more, his hair reaches almost to his mid-thigh/lower than his butt *goes die of nosebleeding* XD).
(When we do get a glimpse of his face finally at the end of the chapter, we can see that he's wounded (we don't know if prior to the slumber or if due to the damage of the time), and you can actually see part of his jawbones/teeth/other bones showing through the torn flesh of his face. The ear is intact though, so maybe it really was wounds and the time just made it worse.
His clothes are also partially torn, but we only see arms. ;-; *wanted torn clothes elsewhere, more revealing* XDDD)
Kaname can't strangle Rido though, because of the power Rido now has over his will. Rido laughs at him, pointing out he's the master since he's awakened Kaname, and telling him to be obedient and get devoured by him quietly. 8D (Sorry, it's terrible and dramatic, but I'm having all these yaoi mind images of other ways Rido could devour the helpless ancestor bound to his orders, and uhm. XD XD *NOSEBLEED EXPLOSION & YAOI PARADISE* XD<333)
Kaname does bites Rido in the struggle, at least, and drinks his blood. (Very sexy scene of them falling to the ground together, and of Rido looking sexy laying in a puddle of his blood. 8D)
I wonder if this is how they were able to capture Rido, since we know he'd been officially imprisoned between his kidnapping of the baby and his return to attack them to get at little Yuuki.
The chapter ends with ancestor Kaname standing dejectedly, and the narration is Kaname asking Yuuki if she could see it all well through drinking his blood, and saying she now knows the horror of his past.
We don't get to see if there were any remains of Haruka & Juri's baby or not, nor to see what happened then to make the ancestor go from adult form to a baby as well, but as I was thinking about it, it suddenly hit me that maybe we had the answer for it from the start: The fanbook specifically mentions that of all things purebloods can do, Juri specialized in spells (and can seal things within people, like she did to Yuuki's vampire genes... we also know that vampires of noble class and above can do stuff with people's memories), and Haruka specialized in the power to metamorphose other's flesh/bodies/etc.
In other words, it's perhaps quite clear how he went from ancestor!mode to baby!mode and only remember he was the ancestor later on. Juri had the power to seal his memories and Haruka had the power to make him a baby again.
Of course, we don't know for sure if this is what happened, but it's very probable, and explains also why Hino-sensei would specifically give those powers in particular to Haruka & Juri.
Kaname might have offered himself to have this done so that he could be a replacement to their baby. (They knew he wasn't their child, so it's not like it happened by itself... XD Though of course we'd have to wait to know more. :D It could be that the ancestor somehow did it to himself, or something.)
(Of course, as of now everything about how he became a baby again is still just possibilities, as I've mentioned all along. ^^/ We don't have the facts yet, it could be that Haruka turned him or the ancestor did it himself, or even the remains of the body of the sacrificed baby might have somehow been used if there's enough of it left and it could be reused, but there's no way to know yet ^^;
The memories too, we don't know if they had been momentarily sealed while he was a child, or if it was a natural result of having been a baby again and all.)
The chapter is truly a rollecoaster of emotions and information~! *____*
My happiness will be complete if we have Zero x Kaname fanservice in the next chapter (XD; I can't help it if I'm obsessed XDDD *lol*), but this chapter was wonderful too, at least for the Kaname part!! X333
(Well, to be actually a complete VK happiness, it would only be after we get a happy ending for the series, but still, more fanservice would be lovely anyway. XD *is shot*)
I'm once more torn between liking Rido and wanting to kick him in the shins. ^^;; At the moment, I'm shocked at him because of the horror with the baby. D: D: D:
We didn't even get to see in detail the poor baby. Well, I'm totally glad we didn't get to see him after the horror Rido did with his blood and flesh, but I meant, I wish we had seen him before that. ^^;;;
Especially if he might have looked like Kaname and the other Kurans. XD They're all so beautiful!! The baby must have been adorable. ;-;
I was feeling really down fandom-wise lately, like I mentioned before, due to all the nagativity of seeing so much bashing and hatred + the increase in fanart-theft etc., but luckily this chapter has seriously boosted my moe. :D
The previous chapter had also reawakened it again so much too, but then the renewed passion had been shot down by witnessing a bunch of bashing and people fighting and different weird cases of people attacking others because they don't accept that it's possible to fangirl all three of the main characters. ^^;;
SO PLEASE, PLEASE, don't do it again. ^^;;; I wanted to have gotten to enjoy the lovely moe of last month's sexy chapter throughout the whole month, and right now I'm recharged again and happy with VK again, so I don't want to lose all this moe and enjoyment once more because of people who think fandom is for fighting and are trying to win whatever thing by ruining it for others. As if people could "win against another pairing" by attacking others or bashing characters and ruining everybody's fun. :(
Seeing all that negativity in so many places is depressing. D:
So PLEASE, be polite and civil to everybody, regardless of whether they ship the same pairing as you or anything. And if you see people who like both pairings or more, PLEASE don't attack them or treat them like they're traitors to your pairing or some other crazy thing like that. ^^;;;
Because seriously, it's a pity to have such a fascinating manga, such lovely main characters, and all this potential fun to be ruined by people who only want to focus on hatred instead of simply enjoying the peaceful fandom stuff and whichever character or pairing they like. ;_;
If you ship another pairing than the one portrayed in a chapter, talk about your favorite pairing or somehting, don't make posts just to talk bad of the pairing you don't ship. D:
That goes both for open bashing and for the insidious little things about how you dislike that character and think he's this or that. Or the comments in reply to someone else's comment about another pairing, and which seem almost as if it's to start a fight with someone who's stating they like a pairing and you reply to shoot down that pairing. (I have seen some of you at it, and have not failed to see some of those subtle little hits in other posts, and I don't intend to let anyone start fights with other people who are commenting peacefully here. ^^;;
Talk about the pairing you like, but don't go out of your way to jab at the pairing you don't like, regardless of which it is!! ^^;;
And as always, it goes for both sides, because I saw both Zxy and KxY fans doing this sort of thing. Don't think it will be okay if you subtly jab others under the belt, it's not nice and it still causes tensions between supporters of either pairing. ^^;
I'm sure we've all heard the old advice "if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything". Well, if you want to comment just to say something negative about the character or pairing you dislike, please please please count until 5 or 10 or whatever to cool down and then post instead something positive about the pairing you like, in whatever happy setting that doesn't involves comparing them both or making up stuff to make either of them sound bad or something.
Hopefully we can all enjoy a peaceful fandom and I can go back to enjoying spending time in the fandom and posting about VK, rather than be constantly hesitant to post in my own journal because I'm so fed up with all the fighting and people jabbing at each other and the characters. ^^;;;
(Jabbing at people is the worst, but bashing the characters also ruins the enjoyment of the fans who like those characters. ^^;; So it's far better to focus on the characters you like and not ruin things for the fans of characters you dislike.)
Please make sure to only buy official release books and DVDs, not the pirate ones.
And DO NOT LEECH OFF SCANS by reading scans only and not buying the books. ;_______________; This is what kills a series. If you claim you love VK, you certainly can pay the tiny amount of money that the books cost, especially considering they don't come out often.
You think it's true, when they write "super popular story" etc. and when you think VK is above any low-sales dangers? Well, think again. ^^;;; It's just advertisement-speak, no one is safe, especially in this crisis. Why do you think they only made 2 seasons of just 13 anime episodes and we never had a 3rd season planned, and there's none in planning now either? Because of the low DVD sales.
Even in Japan, people were downloading it and not buying DVDs... It wouldn't be a problemn to download if you buy the DVD too, but just leech off what's on the net and not support the series kills any manga or anime.
And mangas go away very easily too, if such things happen.
So if you love VK, take the time to step out of your home, walk into a bookstore and spend the few bits of money to buy the books at least. ^^/ One by one if you're still young and can't afford all at once.
Enjoy scans/summaries/everything while you wait for the books, but make sure to always buy the books!! ^^♥
And sorry if I sound rant-y on the subject of people leeching without buying the books, or on the subject of people attacking others and causing pairing wars etc. ^^;; But it's just that I love this fandom SO MUCH, I love the sweet fans and the wonderful fanfiction and the happy fangirling together, I enjoy the series so much, I feel such attachment for all its characters and pairings... I really want us all to be able to enjoy this fandom, together, as much as possible. I'm always so saddened by the things that hurt the fandom and its fans' enjoyment of it. ;__;
So I feel very strongly about us all being civil to each other and respecting each other's pairings and likes etc. without anyone jabbing at others for their preferences.
(Especially since seeing the bashing etc. of either of the pairings really ruins my moe & fangirling and I really don't want this month to go again like last month where all the bickering between both sides in so many sites made my fangirling crumble right when I was happily running in circles with love for the beautiful scenes. ;-; I didn't even get to fanart or color the pages I wanted to because I felt so deflated. -_-;)
Please focus on what you love, not what you hate. Comment about positive things about the manga, don't comment to gratuitously tell someone you dislike the character they're talking about, or to say negative things about whichever pairing or character you dislike.
If you hate the content of the entire chapter, make a post about a chapter you love, instead of dissing the chapter you dislike? Say the happy things you hope to happen with your beloved character or pairing, and not the negative things you want to happen to the character/pairing you dislike. ^^;
I realize not everybody likes all three of them (I'd be happier if we all did, and even better if we all produced tons of Zero x Kaname amd threesome with Yuuki fanfictions etc. as well XD *is shot*), but even among people who like different things I deeply believe that it is possible for us all to be civilized and respectful of each other's favorite pairings and characters so that fandom can be a happy place for us all. ♥♥♥
PS: Will scanlate when I can sneak out of work and run away towards magazine place fast enough before work!ninjas capture me and drag me back to finish deadline. XD;;; *LOL*
Might take a few days or be quick depending how fast I can finish what I'm currently doing for work. ^^;; *will try to drop by for updates*
PS2: Long-haired Kaname needs to be fanarted like WHOA. 8D
If Zero is from the past too, I wonder if he had long hair too? *nosebleed explosion, urges to fanart both skyrocket*
(Though Kaname technically didn't have long hair before the coffin either, unless he grew it not long before going into slumber, so maybe not.
We saw Kaname with short hair in the previous flashback of alive!ancestor. So Kaname's hair probably grew while he was asleep, as it normally does.
(Hair continues to grow, btw, even after you're dead, which is somewhat creepy like whoa. XD;;; The ancestor wasn't dead, just in deep slumber, so it's no wonder it would grow...so sexily... 8D;; *mind is perpetually in the gutter, imagines hot Zero x Kaname yaoi with long haired Kaname* 8DDDD~~~~~~~~~~))