Declarations From an inexperienced Heart

May 05, 2010 15:50

Things have yet to fall in place
My feelings are still scattered in space
You don't now me
And I don't know you
But at least you know what to do
When actions aren't at all clear
You can suppress your inside fear
I don't look forward to rejection
But it might be better than neglection
I hide in shadows, while you take the spotlight
I like the dark because the sun is too bright
I admire your bold mind
But I'm afraid I'm not of that kind
Your hair is fair and light
Mine is far from a delight
You walk with grace and elegance
Walking with an eternal dance
And while I stumble and fall
You lounge by the wall
Gazing into the eyes of the boys
Working them like wind-up toys
I can pass as one of them
But that's all I'll be, I'm condemned
They see me as a friend, nothing more
As a girl, to them I'm a bore
but you are a rarity
Beautiful and smart, a delicacy
You catch them in that sparkling web you weave
Sometimes I wish I could intervene
Yes, it's true, I'm filled with envy
But never jealousy, that's just not me
Perhaps I have some redeeming quality
That will make me more attractive to boys, possibly
I will not give up on my undying hope
I will not fall in a downward slope
You are my role model for gaining future love
For gaining something I'm deserving of
You don't know me
But I see you
I see what you do
And you don't have a clue
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