Numb3rs - A Review, in Letter Form. Also, BSG

Apr 05, 2008 23:02

Dear Numb3rs,

I know we had that nasty break-up last year and then that on-off again (mostly off again) fling that led to a lot of screaming and rage, but you're totally forgiven now. This year you've been so much better and way not an asshole.

You stay awesome.

Also, flist! I call out to you. I skipped the second half of BSG S3 because it didn't so much jump the shark as jump on the shark's back, grab hold of the dorsal fin, and ride it like a cowboy! but the previews for S4 actually look interesting and I think I have most of the spoilers from season three covered so I should be caught up on plot.

So, watch the S4 premiere? Yes/no?
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