(no subject)

Jan 28, 2009 18:44

Well, bleh to that. You know how this morning I was complaining about my skin being sensitive? Well, that's still there, worse in fact, and now I've developed an ache all over my entire body. Going to school today was probably not the best course of action I could have taken, methinks. |D But luckily, it hasn't affected my voice. Now, I'm just wondering if I should stay home tomorrow, or suck it up like I normally do and go. I don't really like staying home, especially since one of my classes may be covering new material that could show up on Friday's quiz... but then again, today I went and I started feeling so much worse that I'm wondering if I really shouldn't push it. Especially since I do not want to have to sing at regionals with my voice gone or otherwise impaired...

But then, I think another one of my classes is having a quiz tomorrow, and I know by experience that showing up to those while sick and miserable doesn't do anything good for my scores. Particularly since it's math, and in math, while I tend to have all of the concepts down pat, I have to check over and reread everything I do very carefully to make sure I haven't done something stupid like writing that 3 - 2 = 2.

So... in summation... bleh.

(Also! OMGSH I KNOW IT'S 70 DEGREES IN HERE BUT WHY DOES IT FEEL SO FLIPPING COLD? D: *wraps self in thermal sleeping bag* Do I have a fever? For once? I never get fevers! But then again, I don't normally feel this cold! But I don't know where the thermometer is anyway, so bleh!)

real life, school

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