Nov 28, 2007 22:38
I should really stay off youtube.
Found these compilations somebody made that compare the '95 Pride and Prejudice miniseries with the corresponding scenes in the the '05 movie side-by-side.
Not surprisingly, the commenters who think that the '05 version was superior are the ones whose comments generally look something like:
"OMG teh 05 movie was sooo00o mcuh better matthew mcfadden is so hot an keiras acting was so prfect it is a gr8 movie the old 1 is SO long and boring anc doesnt have tha same chemistry. the sisters were so fat an ugly. Keira all the way!!1!"
Today's youth just has no discriminating taste. I wouldn't mind the drooling over Matt McFadden (I mean, Colin Firth is one of the joys of the old version but I don't expect him to compete amongst 15 year olds) but when they start trying to critique the acting, these kids just display how woefully unexposed they are to good drama.