Remember, remember...

Nov 04, 2007 00:58

Just got back from the annual Guy Fawkes Day bonfire at the Point, hosted by my authentically British friend Head Monkey Andrew and fellow members of the BCC (bonfire coordination coalition). I think a good time was had, at least by most. It took me quite a bit longer than usual to get in the mood for it, because a lot of Andrew's friends from home were visiting, so there were a lot of people I didn't know. I described myself today (rightly, I think) as an "introvert in disguise"; I do outgoing performing things like improv and acting and giving tours to prospective students, but even at an event I love and look forward to (like a bonfire), if you surround me with lots of unfamiliar faces I will become somewhat uncomfortable. But eventually the fire got started and the songs got going, and all was good. Once the main singing subsided at around 12:30, I decided it was time to leave.

The Masquerade Ball last night was just as awesome, if not more so. Small crowd, but great music and I danced almost constantly. This weekend was filled with a lot of wonderful fun, which is good because there's a lot of work coming up. I'm taking the practice PRAXIS exam tomorrow, which I'm totally unprepared for (and by "totally unprepared", I mean "haven't even opened a book to study" unprepared). At least it's only a practice PRAXIS, and not the real thing! And then Monday is going to be crazy busy, followed by only one week until dance club tech week, an event which will suck all my free time into a great black void of doom. So I'll have to enjoy the fun stuff and make the most of any free time I can manage to get.

That's all for tonight. Now I all I have to do is wait for the serious tired to set in, so I can fall into bed!


college friends, club stuff

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