(no subject)

Oct 31, 2007 00:53

Well, I made it through today. Part of me's not sure how, but I did. I had so much work to do today, and I had several moments where I wondered how on earth I was going to finish it all. I'd been so distracted by other things that the three plays I had to read and respond to by 4:00 today for acting just kind of snuck up on me, as well as the review for "Midsummer Night's Dream" for the same class. So I spent all the time until 4:00 working like crazy on those things, as well as going to a meeting for my chem project that went longer than I anticipated.

I went to my advising appointment at 2, and worried that I wouldn't get into JCB's Advanced Fiction Writing Workshop. Registration begins tomorrow, and my registration time is early- Friday at 1:45, and I just realized I've been telling everybody mistakenly that it's Thursday- but those two days make all the difference. If I don't get in, I have to find something else. I was thinking David Ellsworth's Writing for Stage and Screen class, because my St. Mary's Project is hopefully going to involve writing a play, but Alex told me it's supposed to be almost exclusively screenwriting, which is just different enough to be not helpful in that sense, so I don't know. I should get into the others, though- Methods of Literary Study, Child in America, and Language Acquisition.

Later in the night I had a quiet dinner, felt quite antisocial, and sat around worrying some more before getting around to the chem paper due tomorrow that I needed to work on. I finished it around 12:30, with a short break to go to the English Department bonfire for an hour or so, and I think it turned out well. Now I'm more than ready to end my day, but still kind of freaked about how much there is to do yet this next six weeks.

Tomorrow shouldn't be too bad. I have to work on some stuff for Thursday, as usual- a character sheet and journal entries for acting (plus I should really work on my scene), and some stories to read and critiques to write for creative writing. Plus I really need to work on my dance for the dance show, because otherwise I'll never remember what we learned on Monday. I also hope to do laundry, and get some rest, and maybe at some point have some fun? Maybe? I wanted to write today, but after all of those papers for chem and acting (to be fair, I did more than half of the work for acting before today, but it was still a lot in a close span of time) I couldn't stand the thought of creating yet another file and putting more words onto a page. I think I need a day to cool down from it all, and maybe later in the week I'll do something creative.

I just wanted to get some of that energy out before getting ready for bed. And, since it's technically the 31st at this time of night, to use my Happy Halloween icon as much as possible! I'll probably post another entry tomorrow, just so I can use it again. :) I hope you enjoy the holiday!


school, worries, club stuff

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