Another "Heroes" update, you say?

Oct 30, 2007 00:14

Indeed. Another "Heroes" update. :) Spoilers for latest episode, as usual.

West=still annoying, even when he's doing things that help out Claire. Gaah, go away, West.

Caitlin=not a character who needs to go away, necessarily, because she's kinda cute and not all that annoying to me. But when they were in Montreal and Peter walked into the room where he found that note, I found myself wishing he were doing this on his own.

Mohinder=DON'T GO WITH NIKI!!!!! JUST GO HOME!!!!!!

Bennet=badass. :) Good lord, how many languages does he KNOW?

No Matt. No Nathan. No Angela. What is this?

Who's Adam???

Sylar=totally seducing Maya. Don't fall for it, Maya! You could be such a great character! I don't want to see you get killed by Sylar!

Preview: OMG post-apocalyptic future!!! That really interests me. I want to see next week's episode so bad now. Too bad I'm going to have to tape it, because I'll be experiencing my CRAZY MONDAY OF DOOM at that time (chem quiz, V for Vendetta movie night, dance rehearsal, STARS concert). That's really sad. :(

In other news, I got a 23.5 out of 24 on my chem take-home portion, so my exam grade is now an 84%, bringing my class grade up to a 73.8% and out of the "danger zone". Funny how I got bad grades like that all throughout middle school and the first half of high school and it barely fazed me at all, but the prospect of getting such a low score in a college course is cause for serious alarm these days. I have SO MUCH WORK in the next couple of weeks, but hopefully it will be all right and I won't have anything to freak out about.

Hallowgreens last weekend was fun. I did "Bigger or Better" trick-or-treating beforehand, which was awesome and fun, and then spent a couple hours wandering the Greens and watching the people in costume. As a last-minute costume idea, I went as a musical note, which basically entailed me dressing in all black with a sign taped to my chest that said "LA" and musical notes drawn on my cheek with eyeliner. It wasn't obvious what I was, but I thought I looked pretty good, especially considering I didn't come up with the idea until the morning of the event. I'll wear it again to the Masquerade Ball on Friday.

Improv show also went well last Friday. Yay! :)


heroes, club stuff

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