The fangirl obsessions, they continue

Sep 22, 2007 14:59

So I've started watching "Doctor Who" Series 3 online. I had been counting on watching it over this last summer with Caitlin, but then she and Florence and I all got jobs and started working long and random hours, and I never got past the second episode in the series.

Well, no more, everybody. Last night I got the brilliant idea that I could probably find the episodes in segments online at youtube and watch them there (the way many people watch anime). The search for episodes turned out to be successful, and I've just now finished "Smith and Jones". I really liked the episode. Obviously, it is almost painful to watch a series of "Doctor Who" without Rose, but the episode was good enough that I didn't mind so much about Martha. She seems all right, like she might be able to grow on me if I could only let her. :) Later tonight I'll probably watch "The Shakespeare Code", which I've already seen once before but am excited to see again. Should be a good time.

I'm also expecting to be hanging out at the suite tonight; we've still got 3/4 of Season 1 of "Heroes" to marathon-watch before the premiere on Monday. It's going to be a geek-tastic day for me! :D


doctor who

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