My new favorite hangout (/sarcasm)

Sep 21, 2007 21:41

I just got back a couple of hours ago from St. Mary's Hospital, a place which I've realized I'm becoming all too familiar with these last few months. I spent a good three or four hours there last semester when Florence had a bladder infection, which was my first encounter with it. Then I had the privilege of visiting it twice this week- the first time for reasons I am not at liberty to discuss (I can only say it did not involve my personal health), and the second this afternoon. Florence had woken up from a nap with some pain in her chest, and even though it subsided when she actually got out of bed, the health center felt it should be checked out and referred her to the hospital. We left the college at 1:30 and got to the hospital by two.

We returned to the college at 7:00 p.m. Apparently hospital trips are, as a rule, not allowed to be quick.

For those who are wondering, everything's fine. All the routine tests did not reveal any abnormalities or problems in the slightest, and they just prescribed anti-inflammatory medication (read: Motrin) and told her to take it easy and let them know if the symptoms worsen. But it was still quite the interesting experience- and I've spent more time being bored out of my mind in that waiting room than I would like.

To put things in perspective, though, I am grateful that I've never had to go to the hospital for myself- not since I was seven. Hopefully things will stay that way. For now, though, off to visit some friends. I said I'd be there almost an hour ago, and now look what's happened. ;)


health problems, family

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