Just thinking

Feb 05, 2006 11:55

Once again, lj hates my laptop. Still unclear as to why this is. I love you, campus library. :)

I've been thinking lately about the dynamic of my lj versus that of my xanga. It's interesting how my friends on each of those journals are so different. My friends list on lj is made up mostly of people who were seniors in high school while I was a freshman. Consequently, they're all about to graduate from college in the spring, while I have just begun my second semester. My friends here average about three years older than me. Two of my lj friends (the most recent additions, perhaps) are writers, each at least ten years older than myself, who I met through fanfiction.net. I think this says a lot about where my tastes are headed in the future. The youngest people on my lj friends list are my age- Gina, Florence, John, etc.

On xanga, every single person on that list (as far as I can reasonably remember) is my age or younger- i.e., still in high school. They average about two years younger than me. And while I sound the same on both journals, the dynamic is somehow different. I know my audience, and they have different things on their mind than the people here. I mean, my goodness. It's only been a little over a semester, and I'm already forgetting what it was like to be in high school. What must it be like for those who are about to graduate from COLLEGE?

To change the subject to a personal life update, I'm doing OK. Still overwhelmed by insane amounts of work, and still quite stressed. I'm trying to eat healthier this week and get proper amounts of rest, because I haven't been taking care of myself as much as I could. I was pretty homesick this week. I did do some writing yesterday, though- Chapter 2 of "Emilie's Dream"- which was a big step. It probably wasn't a good idea for me to start four stories at the same time. But I'll make it through.

Maybe next entry, I'll post some funny quotes from last week that I already wrote down on my xanga. For some reason, people said a lot of memorable things last week. We'll see!


high school friends, fandom friends, college friends

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