A Day in the Life: May 2015

May 19, 2015 17:36

Hello to anyone who's still on livejournal!

Obviously I'm still engaging in my unfortunate once-a-year posting habits, but I was telling my sister how I wanted to get back on the horse with posting again, and she suggested I upload a photographic Day in the Life that we both did at the beginning of this month. Which is a good idea, because not only is it a handy route back into blogging on lj, but it also serves as a window into what my life looks like now. So here is what I did on Saturday, May 2, 2015. I hope you enjoy. And I'll try to stop by and comment every so often, regardless of how much I end up posting myself.

For me, 8:30 has become synonymous with "sleeping late." I never wanted to become a morning person, but provided I have a stable sleep schedule, I've started to grow into one. Nowadays I'd rather wake up at 7:30 and then nap in the afternoon than sleep until 10:00 and stay up the whole day.

Good morning!

I am SO PROUD of my hair these days, you have no idea. When I decided to grow out my bangs a couple of years ago, I also started letting my hair grow long. Now it falls much of the way down my back and- especially before I comb it, annoyingly- has a beautiful texture to it. It's a pain in the ass to wash, though. ;)

Tea to wake up.

Making breakfast is always better with music (especially upbeat dance music).

Today's breakfast: scrambled eggs. My roommate is a big Disney fan and she bought this spatula so we could stir things with Snow White's face.

There is nothing on TV on Saturday morning, so I end up watching episodes of EastEnders. Because what could be better than cheesy over-dramatic soap operas to start the weekend?

While I watch, I put together worship assistant sign-up lists for June. (I'm still serving as the worship coordinator at my church.)

Jasper finds a patch of sun to claim for his own.

It's a beautiful day- so I'm off to a picnic!

First, a stop at the grocery store for pasta salad, potato salad, and sodas.

Then, a stop at my parents' house, to pick up a certain someone.

It's my twin sister, visiting for the weekend!

Sister selfie.

The party host, Michael, and his adorable dog.


No one can claim we didn't bring plenty of food between all of us.

Michael's dog meets another dog.

Back to my parents' house, where I'm staying over for the night.

I watch funny youtube videos while my sister curls up with her computer on her bed.


My dad, sister, and I are going into the city for the evening, and I bring a book to read on the Metro. This is a favorite from my late middle/early high school years. It's a slightly strange, really interesting story with some pretty surprising twists at the end. I found it on a bookshelf in what used to be my bedroom and suddenly felt compelled to read it again.

I've only been to this restaurant (Busboys & Poets) three times, and it's already one of my top five restaurants in Washington D.C. It has tons of vegetarian and vegan options (which I love even though I'm not vegetarian/vegan myself), and if you love diversity and indie stuff, it's the place for you.

This quinoa and tofu dish is sensational.

My adorable dad.

There's a bookstore off the restaurant, and we hang out there for a while after dinner.

We're going to a dance performance at Dance Place, so we walk down through the Brookland neighborhood, which is full of little galleries and houses.

My sister and the theatre's cafe share a name!

We get home late, so I change into pajamas and go straight to bed.

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