Sep 28, 2010 21:20
Got sick of dealing with the software that I got on my hard drive last year. So since I learned how to do it in class I partitioned and reformatted the thing into two separate drives so now I have a back up AND a place to store extra files 8D Im giddy exited.
School is going ridiculously well. This is normally the point where things go downhill for me in the pass when it comes to academics, so I've been super paranoid about staying on top of my work. A the same time the effectiveness of my medication is slowly starting to slope down, so it's more and more of a struggle just to get out of bed, much less tackle the mound of work I have.
The last few days it's felt like I've had sever ups and downs. Either I feel great or Im paranoid and guilty. Like right now. I should have been making note cards for the chapter we're on. Not a requirement, considering the test isn't until friday. But still I have this sick little knot in my chest that won't go away. So I figure as soon as I'm done typing this out Im getting off my ass, going to my car and getting my stuff. Then I'll spend the next three hours doing note cards. Just Because.
The more anxious I feel the more awkward I feel around other people too. I keep having these strange deeply paranoid thoughts, that while I know are crazy, never seem to go away. I dont feel like talking about it. Hell I don't know why I'm typing it out.
I've been so sick of everything around me lately. Tired of the same little things every day. Tired of being me. Tired of fighting so hard just go crawl across the ground. It's like there's this bratty teenager inside my head wailing about how hard everything is, when I know damn good and well that I have it better than most.
.... Blah
Im gonna unzip my music and listen to it while staring at the wall.