Apr 01, 2009 13:01
Sometime Friday I took both
my decongestant meds and My adhd meds together
I don't know if they were the cause but
since then Ive been in a ... funk
That deppressive numbness where I don't
particularly care about anything
I don't really feel like going into that many details
Because I've already pondered over this
behavior quite a bit in here
At the moment I don't feel the need
or see the point to wax bad poetry over it AGAIN.
Been skipping my History class.
Passing is now going to depend on me getting off my ass
and power studying durring spring break.
I've determained now matter how bad
I'm doing I'm going to try and keep going until the end.
He really is a good teacher and the class is facinating.
Also obbseive fangirling has occured as well
(please note new crop of icons from xxgardenxx 8D)
Watched an entire drama over the weekend
and am going to try and finish another some time
later today at home (where I can scream
and fangirl everywhere without getting in trouble)
So Ive been entertaining the thought of
making a "Emotion Gauge" in my profile
since most of the time my emotional swings
pretty predictable and easy to catorize XD
Finally went and picked out a profile page
I can even add my own images to the side
I'm debating on making my own
or going around requesting others to make them
I know working on my own would give me a
project to accomplish and thus help me pull
out of my funk and give me somthing to feel slightly proud of.
But really ... I think I've been feeling overwhelmed a bit
so maybe adding somthing else I feel
as If I "NEED" to get done wouldn't be a good Idea.
:/ hmmm must ponder. Plus If I made
them would probably obbsess a bit over how they
looked until I got fed up and changed them soon anyway
Also thinking of changing my journal again
I'm not really feeling the
"My journal expresses a part of me" vibe right now
And really I just want pretty to look at
XD Preferably hiro pretty
But really once again I don't feel
like putting forth the effort...
Probably just change the header because
I really like the layout and text setting I have now.
o.o Wow I made this post way longer than I thought I would XD
So Now to kill an entire hour before my other class
stream of thought