(no subject)

Dec 27, 2006 14:54

After this...

Nerdanel's eyes slowly clear. The vacancy of sleep leaves the grey depths. She notes that the room is chill, the fire having fallen to nothing but glowing embers. The drapes are open and she smells fragrant, rich tea and something sweet. It was that sweetness that had brought out of her contented sleep. She rubs her eyes and sits up, the counterpane pools in her lap, her long, copper hair falling over her shoulders to mask some of her nudity.

She frowns to see a maid dressed in the pale greys and greens of the kitchen uniform. The young woman is feeding the dying fire, coaxing it from its deathbed into a raging inferno of warmth. Nerdanel watches her curiously until the woman stands and turns. She smiles at the Lady, bowing shallowly.

"My Lady," she says softly as she picks up a tray from a nearby table. "I was instructed to bring you breakfast."

Nerdanel glances at the tray filled with tea, cheese, scones, and thick cream for the scones. "Who instructed you?" she asks. No one, in all her life, had ever... ever... had her morning meal sent to her.

"The dashing pilot," the maid replies as she smoothes the creases of Nerdanel's bedsheets. "He asked your breakfast to be sent after he left." The maid finished tidying up the room, picking up Nerdanel's dress from the floor on her way out.

The Elf looks at the pillow beside her and notices the flowering rosemary with the little note. She smiles as she reads it, then sets them in the drawer of her side table. Nerdanel snuggles into the thick down pillows and picks up her spiced tea, sipping the hot liquid. She finds herself quite happy.


And without regret.

"I look forward to that day, Master Dunharrow," she whispers to no one.

Then her door is thrown open and Gabriel rushes in, dragging a tottering Kelly behind him. "Ammë!" he cries, undertaking the monumental feat of scaling his mother's bed.

Nerdanel laughs, sets her tea and tray aside, then helps her children up by her side.

The Elf Queen was happy.
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