May 07, 2011 22:25
I had an awesome awesome day today. I was due, for how the week had gone up until today, but still. Awesome day was awesome.
In related news, go see Thor. I was dubious, I'll admit, I mean, the costumes and effects looked absolutely terrible and the whole "well, let's do an Avengers movie and give all the Avengers all the Avengers who are male their own solo picture to lead up to the movie and make franchise money hurrah!" deal skeeves me out. But Iron Man made me happy and so I gave this one a chance and yeah. Not let down.
Definitely not, you know, Oscar worthy. But good fun. Obviously everyone had a lot of fun working on this film and I feel like it has some better notes than the average hero movie (ie: it is about the hero learning to be humble and think about things before punching them, which was kind of a refreshing change to the usual Power+Responsibility=Badassery arc. Also, female characters that did not feel pasted on! Also, best handling of romance in a superhero movie and I stand by that). I may have to rethink my total eyeroll about the Avengers movie franchise, now.
Anybody, uh, anybody with me in the Thor boat wanna rec some fics my way? When they start existing, I mean? (I do not think I have the fortitude to dive into comics canon, nor am I sure I really want to...)