Fanvid: you found me; why'd you have to wait?

Jul 13, 2009 17:17

Title: you found me; why'd you have to wait?
Fandom: House MD
Pairing/Character: House. Also House/Cuddy, House/Stacy, Kutner, Wilson/Amber, House/Wilson friendship.
Length: 2:40
Song: You Found Me - The fray
Summary: House character study. Interpret as you wish.
Notes: This vid took me an absolutely insane amount of time to complete; about 2 MONTHS! I'm very happy to be finished. I think I'm pretty happy with most of it, except in a few places the editing makes me cringe.

Feedback is love, concrit is more love. But no flaming please.
Don't be an idiot and steal clips. It's pathetic.

9/7/09 ETA: This vid won 2nd place for best character vid in Whatevrmakesyoubreak 's contest :)

11/25/09 ETA: Not exactly sure how, but I just deleted this entire post INCLUDING comments and everything. Shit. So here it is reposted. :(

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Comments for this vid can be seen @ this post.
  Here @ house_cuddy
@ vidding
Here @ house_art
@ everythinghouse
@ housemd
@ fan_vids

ship: house/wilson fs, character: greg house, tv: house md, !fanvid, ship: house/cuddy

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