"My Sister's Keeper" review

Jun 28, 2009 23:39

The movie adaptation of Jodi Picoult's My Sister's Keeper came out on friday & I went to see it. Don't read if you don't want to be spoiled!

So I read this book a few years ago and I think maybe a year after that New Line announced there was going to be a movie adaption. This book is one of my favorites ever and I had no expectation that the movie was going to be any good. It turns out I was right!

Things I hated:

-Firstly, they left out Julia, one of my favorite characters! I mean, completely cut her! All the Campbell/Julia scenes were some of my favorite parts of the book. But anyways, since Julia was gone, Campbell had a much smaller role. Plus, I think Alec Baldwin was seriously mis-casted. That's totally not how I saw Campbell Alexander.

-I hated how they portrayed Jesse. In the book he is a drug-addicted, alcoholic teenage arsonist. In the movie you just see shots of him wandering around Hollywood in the middle of the night. That made me sad because I loved the whole dynamic in the book of Bryan being a firefighter & trying to find the serial arsonist that turns out to be his son.

-I thought Abigail Breslin was pretty bad as Anna, which is unfortunate because Anna is the most important character in the story, haha. Plus, she's two years younger in the movie than she is in the book.

-I don't really get what the point was of moving the setting from Rhode Island to LA.

-Cameron Diaz is way too young to be the mother of a 15-year-old.

-Okay, the ending. I'd known they were changing it for maybe a year or so, but it still really upsets me. I mean, honestly, what the hell was the point of that? The ending of My Sister''s Keeper is what made that book what it was. Without that ending, there's no way the book would have reached the level of popularity that it did. The end of the movie was just awful, I was practically cringing at how painfully predictable it was. By changing the ending, they pissed off the author, millions of readers, and for what? The ending just made this movie even worse. I really can't even imagine why they thought that changing it was a good idea.

Things I thought were done well:

-I really liked the actress they chose to play Kate. I think she did a fantastic job. I'm happy that they chose someone who isn't very well-known for that role.

-I'm really, really happy that they left in the part with Kate & Taylor. That's one of my favorite parts of the book.

-The best part: BONES WAS IN TWO SCENES! I have no idea what the actress' name is, haha. She played the doctor!

Keep in mind, these are just my thoughts. You're entitled to your own opinions & so am I, so don't flame me!

movie: my sister's keeper, book: my sister's keeper

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