Oct 12, 2013 14:55
First post i have made in the day time in a long time.
Still squatting in my old apartment.
Not having luck getting the car from Corri, though i can pay her 300$ a month. i think.
Being hated on for "choosing" to be homeless. i am choosing to be homeless because it is the best option for me. Puerto Rico would be a huge mistake. I would never be able to leave. Even if, and this is a huge if considering i don't know Spanish for one, i got a job, i wouldn't be making much and it would probably go to my dad for rent or something anyway. i wouldn't have any friends. i wouldn't have anything to do. It would be awful.
Yes i can stay at Corri's apartment but it would only be for a month. i wouldn't be able to get to outpatient and to my meds. and i would be away from Rosy. i don't see why that is such a huge deal.
What the fuck. Nobody gets it. Nobody understands. They all think they know what is best for me. Being homeless is the best choice. Fuck i am so frustrated and pissed at the same time. Not looking forward to paying everything i have left only to not be able to use the car. Especially since i paid like 500$ as a down to get the thing on top of all the months that i did put money into it. i don't know. i just don't know. Just fuck it. I'm used to getting shit on at this point. i kind of just want to stop talking to everyone. Fucking "outs". Yeah i am that stupid. I have an awful head my shoulder. Such that i would choose homelessness over these fantastic "outs" that are being laid upon the table. I'm just soooo dumb. i just love being homeless. LOVE IT.
Rosy wants me to sneak over tonight. I think i'm going to tell her no. i have never ever been this pissed off in a while. i just don't want to deal with anyone. ever.