I was watching 'conspiracies' on TechTV and it was on the whole "Satanism" conspiracy. It was really really good. I felt it set allot of things straight with stupid people who think "Satanism" is the worship of the devil... Their are people who think that. They interviews heads of The Church of Satan and shit. it was cool. Any ways... they had a lengthy segment on "rock" music... "the devils" music. I hate to say this... but the possibility of the ban against metal albums is getting closer. The Christian churches will never stop going to court. I love the one on Judas Priest. One of the very first cases of "back masking/subliminal" messages in metal albums was the case of Judas Priest vs. Some fucking group of religious bitches. Basically this is what happened: On Stained Class, by Judas Priest, their is a [fucking kick ass song] called "Better by You Better Than Me". Well, two avid teenage Judas Priest fans engaged in a "suicide pact" Well, sadly... One of them lived. I forget how. The weapon of choice was a shot-gun... I believe one of them got scared after his friend shot himself and he didn't go through with it. Anyways, this was a perfect excuse for religious dicks to get involved. They blamed the song mentioned earlier saying that the words "do it do it do it..." were contained subliminally in the song. Why such a great band would first of all want to do something like this intentionally is beyond me. Secondly... "do it" can mean MANY things. Why does it have to just mean "suicide". Of course... the rest of the lyrics (even the title) can suggest more specifically the idea of suicide. Still... "do it" can be like "do your homework", "do your laundry", or even "do your chores". Of course many other lawsuits have also merged since then. Anyhow... I was thinking: Their are all those colored ribbons. Pink=Support the fight against Brest Cancer, Yellow=Support the help against suicide, I believe their is a blue one for Freedom of Speech and another color for anti-war. All of these colors have a cool .org as well. Well... what about a support for rock music against the church or whatever. Like a grey or a black ribbon. I don't know if they have one... if they don't though, I want to start one. Heh, I am sure some of you want to know what ever became of the Judas Priest case. it was acquitted (yay!). The best they could do was suggest the subliminal message was just a product of certain sound rages mixed together. Kind of like when two guitars are playing and they make that weird windy noise. *cough*andjusticeforall*cough*. The show was cool though. did you know people thought AC/DC meant "Anti-Christ/Devils Children"? or that KISS stood for "Knights In the Service of Satan"? Any ways.
I strongly suggest downloading the song. It is a really beautiful song. and it isn't like fucking "hardcore Christian bashing yelling metal music". It was made in 1978... so you can trust me on that.... heh. I don't even think they had "distortion" pedals... just "reverb/over-drive" hahahaha.
Know what I find the most appalling? Is that most people actually blame their "favorite rock idol" for shit and get them in trouble. How can a "fan" fucking do that. If I ever got famous and some fucking "drain-head" pulled that shit on me... I would take every single fucking drainpipe merchandise he owned and made it so he was never allowed to fucking buy any of our albums. Fans don’t pull that shit. And to actually thing that the music is talking to you is another thing.
As for the rest of my day... I stayed home and never touched that essay that I should be doing. I am thinking of putting my hair in the devil lock that I made after school on Thursday. it was way better than the one I had in school. it came to a point and shit. It looked awesome. I was a sexy fucking beast. heh, kind of an orthodox-like term. yay. The male parental unit is ordering a pizza :) So anyways, I am looking forward to this Thursday concert coming up. It is going to be great. I am hoping I can get Christ to go chick hunting and maybe we can go guy hunting for Seed. I hope seed is having fun in Washington. THURSDAY, THRICE, and COHEED & CAMBRIA!!! I really want to see Coheed and Cambria. Thursday too of course. I don't really care for their new cd though. STOP THE FUCKING HATE! Fucking closed-minded racist assholes. I am sorry, but anyone who makes any type of racist comment and still considers themselves "open minded" are liars. You cannot be that open-minded if you think that every black person is a crack smoking thief. terms like "jewbag" and "niglette" are just fucking bull-shit. KILL WHITEY! I also hate cd's that skip and are scratched. It I sucks so bad to want to listen to a song but it is fucked up."This isn't be. Im not mechanical. Im just a boy playing the suicide king"