"For I have been grating, and waiting so long..."

Feb 12, 2011 02:33

Cradle of Filth -- one of Hannah's favorite bands -- was playing at the Showbox. I still remember her flipping tables (in the good way) when I'd told her the news last year. While I was never as big of a fan, I'd decided to go with her, because they are still very talented regardless, and I was sure they'd put on a good show. And as it turned out, they were also touring with Turisas, Daniel Lioneye, and Nachtmystium!

We started the night going to Copper Gate, a Scandinavian bar in Ballard that we'd been wanting to try mainly for the various different aquavits they have. They had some small plates on the menu as well, and I ended up having an open faced sandwich and we shared some Norwegian pancakes afterwards, which were delicious. It's a very charming hole-in-the-wall type of place, and anyone looking for something different in terms of bars/pubs should check it out.

The bar was in the form of a viking ship, and the sail is a collage of vintage porn. No kidding.

After getting inside the Showbox. We'd decided to wear wigs just for fun.

Being at that venue reminded me of seeing Pendulum there a couple years ago, just because it was the last show I saw there. At the bar area, we hung out with two other guys for a bit, just chatting about music. When the music started, the four of us quickly finished our drinks, left the bar, and went down to the stage. I liked that they knew their priorities. One of the guys says to Hannah, "Hey, want to see how a mosh pit starts?" and just bowled into the crowed, starting one. It was hilarious.

I had never heard Daniel Lioneye before, but they were great! I managed to get a video of the last song of their set, "Neolithic Way" -- www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4lo43AaALA

Afterwards, one of the security guys at the front told me that I was not to take any more videos for the following bands, since they had requested no videos be taken, at least not from up close. It was unfortunate to hear, but I ended up grabbing a few of Turisas since I was in the bar area for the first part of their set anyway. Turisas live -- no words! It was amazing! They had so much energy, and were great at getting the crowd pumped up even if they were only there for Cradle. Mathias was hilarious on stage, drinking his 'pineapple juice' which was obviously beer. As he holds it up, "You guys may call that piss drink 'beer', but we call it pineapple juice!"

They played "To Holmgard and Beyond", "One More", "In the Court of Jarisleif", a couple more I can't remember off the top of my head, before finishing off their set with "Battle Metal".

Turisas on stage


Video for "To Holmgard and Beyond" -- www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT9zMCHZFDU -- Or just a clip rather, since I missed the first bit.

Video for "One More" -- www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT9zMCHZFDU -- I got closer in this one. I love this song, and I love Olli with his electric violin.

After their set, I'd caught both Olli and Mathias at their merch table just relaxing and hanging out, so I was able to chat with them for a bit. They were both so friendly! I had mentioned this was my first time seeing them live, and they talked a bit about their upcoming album also. And yes, fangirl photos, nothing new! But you can see their war paint up close haha.

I know you cannot 'hear' this photo, but Mathias was epic-growling while we posed for this pic.

I rejoined Hannah at the stage for the rest of the show, and Cradle of Filth did not disappoint! By then we'd managed to make our way to the front, where we could clearly see Paul's amazing guitar skills as well as Dani bouncing and screaming all over the stage. I don't know the songs as well as Hannah does, but the ones I do remember they played: "Lilith Immaculate", "Nymphetamine", "Honey and Sulphur", "Her Ghost in the Fog" (which I was so happy they played!), among others. She said they did a good mix of old and new, which is nice since they do have quite a number of album releases.

I HAD to post this because I cracked up so hard after seeing the photo afterwards. It looks like the three of them were taking a piss, and Dani had just finished up.

You're not hardcore unless you wear a wetsuit for drumming. I don't blame him, I'm sure their legs do get a good workout on the bass drums.

Video for "Lilith Immaculate", a beautiful song from their most recent album -- www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6iD6gMse2M (apologies for the random black-outs in the video, but otherwise, got the whole song)

It didn't take long after the show for us to get a chance to meet them outside of the venue. I was surprised at how friendly they all were, since a lot of times you see band members who are in a rush to leave. But no, they willingly hung around outside of their tour bus and chatted with the small group of us there, signed autographs, and took pictures with the fans. Hannah was getting everyone to sign her copy of Darkly Darkly, but at the end realized their drummer was nowhere to be seen. After asking Paul about it, it turns out he was already passed out inside the bus, but he offered to take Hannah's CD inside the bus to have him sign it! These guys were pretty polite about everything, and it's always a good feeling seeing musicians being so warm towards their fans, especially when it's a band that's been around for quite a long time.

Hannah got to do what she said she would do… Make a heart in a photo with Dani.

With James, whom Hannah suggested should be in a hair commercial. It's hard to tell in the photo but he had what looked like a wound under his eye.
me: "...... Is that a real wound, or is that makeup?"
James: "Oh... it's real."
me: o_o "What happened?"
James: "Let's just say there was a… misunderstanding, when we were in Vegas." *laughs*


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